Moceit - The couples normal day

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It was early in the morning, Janus looked to the side and gazed at his boyfriends sleeping form. A soft smile found its way to the snake mans face as he held the sleepy boy close. After three or four minutes the self proclaimed 'Lord of lies' decided to wake up his darling boyfriend. "Patton love~ wakey wakey~" he cooed, shaking Patton slightly. Instead of a soft grumble to signal that his mission was successful he was instead gifted with a soft kiss on his lips.

"Morning~." Patton softly responded before burying his face into the crook of his boyfriends neck, complaining about how he wanted to stay as they already were. Janus only gave a soft laugh in response, drawing small circles on the smaller ones back. Grabbing his boyfriends glasses, Janus lifted Pattons head and carefully put Pattons glasses on while making sure he didn't accidentally poke his eyes, kissing him softly after. The pair got up not long after, getting dressed and going to the kitchen of the mindspace. Patton started making pancakes for the entire family of sides while Janus prepared everyone's favourite drink to go along with the pancakes.

The adorable couple worked like clockwork, finishing everyones breakfast just as they would all walk down to the living room and greet the duo before grabbing their breakfasts and taking their usual seats. Patton and Janus then took their seats as the family started to re-watch Steven Universe. After one or two episodes the group then parted. Virgil and Remus left together for their band practice, Roman headed to the imagination so he could practise his lines for Hamilton, Logan so he could continue writing his Sherlock novel, leaving Patton and Janus alone. The smaller soon curled up in the liars lap,  smiling in content as he left small kisses all over the others face, gently petting his boyfriends scales at the same time. "You're too adorable... how did I win the heart of someone as beautiful and amazing as you?" Janus asked, holding Patton close as he nipped at the latters nose with a gentle smile.

The couple spent the rest of the day together, baking, dancing, singing, anything they did was done together. They were basically the perfect couple. Eventually the day came to an end, the pair got ready for bed, joking and lightly flirting with one another. Pat sat happily on the edge of the bed, gazing sweetly at his boyfriend while he took off his gloves before sitting next to his lover and leaving a soft kiss on his lips. The duo finally got into bed, holding eachother close before drifting off to sleep.

Hello rabbits, it's been awhile hasn't it? I'm sorry that I haven't been writing but after an unfortunate incident in my family I haven't felt very happy, motivated... anything really. I'll be writing again but it'll be much less than usual.

I'm so sorry this was a short one shot but i got really inspired after watching 'putting others first' and.. just look at how Janus looks at Patton and it's just- aaaaa...

I hope you enjoyed. Thank you my rabbits.

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