Anceit - Poison for the mind

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Virgil was sat upon the roof of his school. The faint glow from the end of his cigarette illuminating is surroundings weakly as he looked upon the surrounding city below. Today was the day. The day this festering wound on his mental health became a beautiful inferno to mirror his mind. Yet he was waiting. Waiting for one special person.

"You know that you're gonna kill your lungs, right emo?" Spoke out a voice from behind him. Virgil turned and locked eyes with the sole reason he hadn't killed himself, the reason his heart would constantly beat, the love of his life... Janus. The 'cursed' teen rolled his eyes and shook a bottle of whisky that he'd stoled from a store two towns over before sitting next to the emo. He took the lid and mostly unscrewed it before the emo flicked the lid off, directing the bottle to his lips as he took a sip.

"It feels like a dream, seeing this shithole up in flames. It'll be beautiful. Like... I dunno.... like..." Virgil couldn't find the words for his feelings, but Janus understood completely. The pair had already soaked basically everything in alcohol and gasoline and were ready to incinerate that hell, yet they were... not scared... they wanted to keep building the anticipation inside themselves. They looked down at everything with bright grins, virgil pulling out some scrap fabric and turning the vodka bottle into a pre-lit fire bomb. They placed it on the ground behind them before just talking, Waiting for midnight to strike. As the pair walked throughout the school they tipped more gasoline and other flammable materials around the school, listening idly to Burning Pile by Mother Mother. They twirled and joked about random crap as they decended down to the enterance of the school, recreating the famous stairs scene in Joker, except slightly different. They left the school and locked the door, moving far enough away that they wouldn't be set alight themselves, not that they would have fully cared. Janus lit the fabric that was outside the bottle right before Virgil threw it at the door right as the final chorus began. The emo started crying in pure joy as Janus smiled softly, suprised when Virgil pulled him into a deep kiss, lips locking together gently as the fire illuminated them. Janus returned the affection graciously as he felt the warmth from the bonfire made of their school lapping at his 'scales' while he held the emo close. They both looked at the bonfire in joy before running away, back to Virgils home.

If you looked at the house you could possibly be reminded of the Addams family mansion, only it was just a goth seeming cottage. As the duo entered Virgil began to light multiple candles and the main fireplace, cuddling his crush- well... his boyfriend now it appears, on the sofa. The pair dosed off and woke up five or six hours later, looking at their phones to see that the school was mearly a pile of ash after what they had done, bright grins stuck on their lips before they sweetly kissed again, beginning to talk more about many things.

Hello my rabbits, please forgive me on how short this was. I've not had many good ideas recently so if you have any requests feel free to leave them in the comments and I'll see if I can write them.

Thank you for reading my rabbits, I hope you enjoyed.

-your Author

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