Patton- such a softie

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As I rolled down the stairs my gay emo brother laughed at my sleepy face. "Weeeeeeeeeee..." I tiredly called  as I rolled, nearly running my gay brothers gay boyfriend.. who was scared of his emo boyfriends 'moth ball'  after I threatened to break his legs and cut off his dick if he dared hurt my precious big brother.

Patton caught me before I slammed into the TV set up. "Morning Moth ball! How are you today? Hungry?"
I nodded before burrowing into my cocoon of floofy cotton. I felt my cocoon get picked up and put on the sofa.

"Salutations (y/n), how has your morning been so far?" Nerdy wolverine asked as I flopped onto my side. I only muttered a soft good before Patton ran in with a stack of pancakes.



I sat up instantly releasing myself from the cocoon. As I snagged the pancakes away, Patton had a tiny blush on his face as he sat down next to me.

A loud yawn tore through part of the house, reaching my emo brother who was walking down the stairs. A smile hit his face as he sat down across from us.

I leaned my head onto Patton's shoulder after I ate the heavenly breakfast dessert known as pancakes. Causing his face to go bright red with a blush. As Roman mentioned it Patton started freaking out causing me to burrow back into my cocoon because of how loud Patton was.

Spotting something bright I rolled away. Virgil silently following after me. And Patton after him.

"Shiny!" I chimed before trying to grab it like a cat with a laser. Until it just disappear. "The shiny is gone now Moth ball... Can you come back down now?" My emo brother asked before I dropped onto the floor.

Patton, however, was stood right underneath where I dropped and landed on the soft man. Virgil had walked off as I hugged Patton. "I want the shiny... I need shiny." I was very sad that the light was gone. I was a part moth after all.

I guess you could say patton.exe had stopped working because he didn't respond at all and his face was bright red. "Are you okay Pat? ARE YOU SICK?! AAAAAAAAA VIRGIL I THINK PATTON'S SICK HIS FACE IS BRIGHT RED!!!" I yelled jumping up and waving my arms around.

Roman walked in with Virgil and sighed before grabbing a glass of water. "Patton.. you okay there?" The emo asked while Patton only let out a string of incoherent word noises.

When he finally got up he realised I was sat playing video games with Thomas. He sighed and smiled as I did my "I'm trying to sound evil but it's actually kinda adorable" laugh and put Thomas through the hell of... N64 RAINBOW ROAD (that version of the course is probably the prettiest)

He sat down behind Thomas and I and smiled at the fact I was winning. At the end of the track as soon as I crossed the line I laughed in victory. "I totally kicked your ass! I'm AMAZING AT RAINBOW ROAD AND I TOLD YOU THAT!"  I triumphantly yelled at Thomas.

Patton clapped slightly a blush on his face after I did one of my overwatch-esk victory poses which featured me sticking my tongue out.

My smile was so bright and joyful. It hadn't been for a while so that made all the others happy, especially Patton.

The grin on my face hadn't left for the rest of the day. From story telling with the still slightly terrified prince, to playing guitar hero with Virge.

"Hey! Hey! Patpat! Do you wanna bake something?" I asked as I jumped into his face, startling him.

Our faces were close enough for patton to start blushing brightly and he nodded. My cheer of joy echoed through the house as I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the kitchen.

The cookies we made were the absolute bomb! They had pop rocks, fudge, chocolate, icing and THEY WERE AMAZINGGGGGGG! Patton was beaming at the cookies and decided to do something. "Hey, (y/n) you got icing on your face!" He said, smiling. Trying to rub it off my face I asked if I got it.

That was until he sighed slightly and kissed me. His face was bright red and mine was a little pink. "You coulda just said you liked me patpat. Honestly." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"You're such a softie." I laughed.

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