Remy - Rhyming is a virtue

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I sat alone with a book in my hands.

I tend to be unable to find the right words for what I want to say if I speak normally; in poetry, music and rhyme however was another tale.

Silently I read, it was a book on astronomy and astrology, taking small notes on what interested me greatly.

Suddenly my phone started ringing, startling my as I took it out of my bag. Seeing that the caller was Remy. Or as I called him. Sleepy-MC-drinks-alot.

"Heyyyyy girl! Where are you? I think I've lapped the campus thirteen times with that irritating emo and a nerd." He complained in his usual sassy and joking manner.

Looking up from my book I laughed softly into the phone as I saw he was looking the opposite direction to where I was.

I grinned "it's the quiet one that you seek? Well, turn around and take a peek." With that he turned around. "Oh you stealthy little-! I must have passed you like a thousand times"

Walking toward me I saw two other people walking with him. Both in my class.

Virgil Chemica and Logan Floyd.

"Greetings and Salutations. (Y/n) is I and I lacked knowledge of extra invitation- is that coffee mine?" Cutting off my rhyming speech I pointed to the starbucks infront of me.

"Girl you gotta pay more attention! But yes that Starbies is yours, is it secret menu?"Remy asked sitting next to me.



Logan and Virgil sat across from us.

"Indeed! The menu of specificity and secrets has that of the houses of Hogwarts. This is remarkable and thanks for the out ports!" I smiled.

"Why does she talk like that?" Virgil asked himself aloud.

My leg instantly started jittering.

My palms were suddenly sweaty.

"I.. I.. uh... Words are difficult for me in normal tongue, so I speak like this with rhyming fun." I stuttered out.

Remy put his hands on my shoulders. "Calm down (y/n), your rhyming is amazing to me." He said which calmed my jittering.

Logan finally piped up.

"Interesting. How are words difficult when spoken normally?" He asked.

Remy answered for me. Knowing exactly how it was. "(Y/n)'s right brain is much higher developed than the left side, meaning a higher creativity but some logical things are more difficult normally. Rhyming is the creative loophole to that though."

Logan nodded, pulling out a notebook.

"Sorry." Was all Virgil said.

We all worked on our coursework. Remy listening to all my past work since I took music for college.

"Hey (y/n) when is your band going on tour. Expect me to be your professional rhyme translator if you need!" Sleepy MC drinks alot joked as I started laughing.

He always knew how to make me laugh.

He was awesome

We all continued to study. Until an obnoxiously loud ringtone started, startling me.

"Give me a minute." Remy said as he stood up and walked away

Closing my eyes I stayed quiet. Opening them I glanced at the emo and the living intelligence.

"So. You can't speak without rhyming?" Asked Virgil again.

I shrugged in response.

"Partially." I glanced up.

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