Patton - I am Catbug!

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Hello my rabbits! This oneshot was requested by the absolutely wonderful DrAmaryne! This is another platonic one and if you're a fan of the bravest warriors then I thoroughly recommend you read on to see the antics that ensue. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!

Jumping out of Steven Universe while being unable to deal with the fact it's over, (y/n) quietly sat down on the couch and scrolled through many a TV channel before going onto YouTube. They're a cartoon jumper, someone with the ability to pull themselves and anyone else into cartoons. He was trying to think of a cartoon for Patton to see the world of.

Steven Universe? No, he'd start crying.

Adventure time? He wouldn't know what to do.

The amazing world of gumball? Again, wouldn't know what to do... And I'm pretty sure he hates it.

(Y/n)s mind started to wander as they tried to think of a cartoon Patton would like to be in, or would at least fit in with. Hazbin hotel and Helluva boss were immediately out of the question for obvious reasons, bee and puppycat? No. Then one practically slapped (y/n) across the face. Bravest warriors. Immediately they dashed up to Roman's room and grabbed Patton (much to the confusion of the couple) before darting down to the TV and starting the episode. Then, with a deep breath, they jumped, pulling Patton with them. The duo landed on some soft grass and the cartoon jumper yelled happily. This was right when two friends of them ran towards them. "Beth! Chris! WOOOOOO!" (Y/n) yelled as they ran into a massive group hug. The sound of slight buzzing flew above the trio as they began idle chatter. The source of the buzzing landed Infront of Patton. It was a blue cat with a ladybugs back, it was stood on its hind legs and look absolutely adorable! "My name's Catbug, what's yours?" The creature, catbug, asked happily as it helped Patton up before leading him to the group before he lept into (y/n)s arms.

After about half an hour Beth, Chris and (y/n) were sat on the floor of the main room. The latter trying to carefully brush out the blonde stalagmites that Chris called his hair, while Beth kept the blonde distracted with random science based chat while Patton and catbug were in the connecting kitchen making peanut butter squares. Everything was calm before Wallow and Danny walked in, both looking at (y/n) and becoming supremely excited before picking them up, Wallow carefully putting them on his shoulder before Danny started playing some music and they started dancing, even catbug (which was really hekking cute, like dude watching that bundle of adorableness bust a move was the best thing ever!). Pat put the uncooked squares into the oven and smiled as he watched everyone dancing around before Wallow and Danny stopped, everyone else stopping after as the cartoon jumper grabbed the hairbrush and continued to destroy the spikes.

Once they were finished Patton brought the squares to the group. "You can all have just..." He paused, counting the squares before continuing "one peanut butter square but not until after they've cooled down." He finished with a goofy smile, Roman was one of the luckiest guys to you, only a god deserves Patton and the dad like friend picked the prince. (Y/n) grabbed one from the centre before it cooled down, saying how destiny was theirs before eating it whole, at least.. they tried to as they instantly burnt their mouth before putting their square onto a plate. Pat and (n/n) then argued a little, not in a serious way however. "I'm going to stop bringing you snacks if you don't listen to me." That caused (y/n) to start pouting before they started re-spiking Chris' hair. They made sure that the blondes hair was genuinely sharp, like, you can cut yourself with it sharp. Catbug grabbed Patton and (y/n) before dragging them around, thinking of a game they could all play. They began playing with Catbugs three toys, Sir Jeffers, Rebecca and Chad. It was admittedly really cute to see Patton and Catbug playing together. After that Catbug jumped into the dad's arms and fell asleep, purring softly until even Patton dozed off. (Y/n) stood up and went off with the other bravest warriors to help with something. Anything really.

Unfortunately, when Patton woke up he wasn't in cartoon, but on the sofa. He looked to see if Catbug was with him yet he wasn't. "Hey, I made this for you Pat." (Y/n) said before passing a plushie catbug that was the same size as catbug. "We can visit them again soon okay? Catbug is happy you're his friend now." They smiled before going to Steven Universe again. "I promised little Steven I'd hang out with him. Roman's waiting for you in his room. Have fun!" They smiled before jumping into the first season. Patton smiled at the plushie in his arms before going back up to Roman.

--------------------------------------------------------- Woo! This shouldn't have taken as long as it had and I'm so sorry it's late my rabbits! Wattpad glitched out on me and didn't save the progress I'd made so I had to start all over again. I hope you're all surviving and remember: Ralph Waldo Picklechips is the key. I hope you enjoyed my rabbits and please please please, if you have any requests then send them!

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