Logan - not so numb

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The looks on everyone's face as they looked at the 'experiment' told their feelings. Inside a pristine white room with a glass panel as one of the walls was a young person. Their hair was rather long. Too long. As if it had never been cut.

Looking at the young person was a group of tourists, taking photos of the freaky experiment with their phones.

Although this pristine, clean room was full of fancy furniture they sat on the floor in the middle. Looking up these tourists screamed at the experiment as they gazed with five empty eyes, four on the left side of their face that were pitch black other than the pure crystal white pupils while the single one was a vibrant red.

"Ah do not be afraid!" The tour guide smiled as the experiment showed another four arms, making six in total. "Project Arachnean is unable to hurt anyone."

A young man, seemingly the same age as the experiment stepped closer to the glass. The project looked with their empty eyes to the young man.

this was the forty fifth time he visited the lab
"I think you should let this project go." He stated aloud. Shocking afew others on the guided tour. "They're a living being."

The project seemingly teleported to the glass. The young man didn't flinch at all, unlike many others who got close to the glass before, he stared deeply into the largest of the experiments eyes.

"Sir, Arachnean is quite comfortable here. I believe it will be available for conversation later. Anyway our dear guests, onwards!" The guide grinned, leading the group away.

The young man looked conflicted as he walked with the group. "Logan? Are you okay?" Asked Virgil.

No response.

Suddenly a loud scream came from the cell that the project was in. Terrifying the entire tour.


The fear in many people was apparent. Murmurs and yells of panic an confusion arose letting Logan split away from the group.

"Please! I don't wanna die!" Sobbed a scientist not to far from Logan. The tearing of flesh and the split second scream echoed throughout the corridor.

The jumped onto the ceiling and scurried around, jumping onto Logan when he didn't expect it. "You... I've seen you.. your eyes are pretty. Numb, yet pretty."

The project said. "GET OFF OF HIM NOW MONSTER!" A voice yelled from behind the spider like human. With a growl they snapped their blood spattered head turn around, black widow venom dripping off of their teeth.

With a leap the project flawlessly landed on the armoured guard and tore off his bullet proof helmet with two of their six arms. Holding his head in place before biting down harshly on this exposed neck before snapping it and leaping off of him.

"Let's go. I might be sick from them. The project spat before grabbing Logan and making a mad dash for one of the fire exits. "Go find them. Your emo friend..." The project said before spotting the emo behind them.

Running back and grabbing the other before running towards the door. "If they saw you weren't with the group you'd be shot dead." The project said.

Logan looked suprised as the project laid a super thick web wall in the way.

Running out they looked supremely suprised. They left without anyone noticing. "My name, by the way, is (y/n)" they said as they took some scissors and asked virgil to cut their hair so it wasn't so stupidly long.

"You killed so many people without a single waver. How?" Logan asked as he drove away. "Those people took my humanity away. They turned me into a monster. If they don't care about me then why should I care about them?"

Virgil smiled slightly "well you're welcome to stay with us. I'm Virgil. And he's Logan, my brother." He said, Logan nodding slightly. (Y/n) sighed slightly but said nothing more, wrapping two of their arms around themselves.

"Thank you." Is all (Y/n) said before drifting off into a silent sleep, Keeping their eyes open as if they were dead.

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