Virgil - friends on the other side

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Trigger warning: there will be some violence against the reader. Just a quick note to let you know if you don't like it.

After meeting the kinda funny nightmare known as Remus all of us got horribly tired of his idiocy (although it was pretty funny most of the time)

The intrusive creativity also tended to flirt with me, causing Virgil to get pissed off pretty easily. Most of the time they would both argue for seemingly no reason. Roman wasn't getting knocked out by Remus anymore which was good but I was still worried that he would get knocked out again.

Thomas was in the kitchen with Logan, waiting for some snacks to finish cooking.

Roman was looking for the Disney film, princess and the frog (so I could sing my heart out with Thomas to friends on the other side)

Patton was looking for almost every single plush in the house and every time he grabbed three or four he surrounded me with them.

Remus wasn't being his stupid yet funny self, all he did was pace around in panic and worry.

Finally there was Virgil, who had his arms wrapped tightly around me with his head on mine while my top hat was on the table.

Now this may seem confusing however it makes sense due to the fact of a certain hissing semi-snake.

Half an hour earlier

"Sssssssuprise Passion.. or should I call you (y/n)?" Deceit spoke behind me after covering my mouth, muffling my yell of help. I bit his gloved hand making him hiss in pain.

Turning me around Deceit hit my face with his uninjured hand, grabbing it afterwards with a dark smirk whilst my eyes were watering before throwing me to the ground and kicking my stomach heavily.

"I hope you know (y/n)..." The snake began. "Your face is sssssssssso... Beautiful when it's sad." He stated, hissing. Before he could say anymore Virgil ran at him, preparing to more or less murder him.

With a sarcastic wave and a dark smirk he disappeared, causing Virgil to knee slide next to my crying form.

Back to the present

I murmured Virgil's name with a light tearfull shudder as Roman cheered in joy, holding the film in his hands while Remus made a stupid joke. Patton laughed lightly before more or less smothering Virgil and I in more plushies. I had a light blush as Virgil nearly pulled me into him because of the... Really big crush I had on him.

As soon as everything was ready the film started. Roman (who Logic and I now dubbed Romulus) and Remus sat together Infront of the snack covered coffee table. Patton and Logan sat together as well yet a little further from the T.V while Thomas sat in a little alcove from the plush-alanch, next to Virgil and I.

As doctor Facilier appeared on screen Thomas and I looked at eachother (through the tiny window of plush-less space) and nodded before turning our heads back to the screen with little smiles of planned evil.

Right when the singing started (even with the talking parts) we did all the doctor's parts with Romulus as prince Navine and Remus as Lawrence.

(I'm sorry but A. You and Thomas are singing together with Virgil as the background part and B. I'm tired and although I always sing the song when it plays ((so much that when it starts my friends and family mute the film because it's a subconscious thing for me to start singing)) if I typed it down I would forget the lyrics)

After the singing a smile was on all of our faces. I glanced at Virgil with a light blush because of his beautiful smile. Unknown to me Thomas was watching with a bigger grin because of his favourite ship possibly becoming real. With a partially distracted Virgil I snagged my top hat from the table, unknowingly gaining the attention of Patton and Logan and placed it on his head.

Patton was silently fanboying, gaining Remus' attention. Patton was pointing to Virgil and I while Logan was smiling. Romulus and Remus were both glancing at us after following Patton's pointing.

I had a smile as Virgil looked surprised I let him wear my precious top hat. But his suprise grew more when I grabbed the collar of his hoodie and gently pressed my lips to him with a smile on my face. After two seconds a smile grew on his lips as he pressed his lips back to mine in return. Thomas and all the others sides cheered in joy as if we just got engaged.

When Virgil and I parted a large blush was painted onto our faces. I hugged panic! At the everywhere tightly and put my head on his shoulder before softly falling asleep. "I ship Passiety" Thomas commented causing Virgil to blush more while hugging me closer to him, with the others smiling.

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