Remy - rain is my jam

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(Y/n) was lying on the roof of their house, kicking their legs up before letting them swing back down as they dangled from the edge. There was a heavy storm at the minute but the bored being didn't seem to care, collecting storm water for any rituals that may occur. As the weighty droplets of water soaked into their clothing and stuck to their skin they let their mind wander, relaxing their tensed muscles; they thought about their adorable boyfriend, his cute smile, sassy comebacks, fantastic flair... god, he was perfect.

Meanwhile Remy was sat inside his house, listening to the drumming of rain on the window paine. His lips curled into a small smirk as he closed his eyes, inhaling a small stream of lavender incense that was burning on the window sill, as a simple offering to Hypno. As his eyes fell shut and the repetitive drumming of the rain echoed in his ears he let his kind lover enter his thoughts, reminiscing about the day they first met.

It was early October and there was heavy rain, Remy hadn't brought an umbrella so ran into the closest store to buy one. While he was looking around he noticed another customer looking at their phone while stood infront of rows upon rows of incense. This person was (y/n), who had started to work with Dionysus, and was looking for incence he would approve of. Remy smiled as he heard the fainest sound of the rain echoing from this person, this really cute person. With a sudden flair and burst of confidence he walked toward the mystery person who noticed and looked toward the coffee addict. "Hi there, I've seen you around before... my name is (y/n). I'm a pagan, worshipper of the helenized greek pantheon and I work with the deity Dionysus, you're... Remus- no... no thats not it... I- I'm so sorry I'm not the best with names." They chirped before grabbing the vanilla and lavender incense. The cute behaviour warranted the faintest blush from Remy. "It's chill girl. My name's Remy, so you were almost right. You said you've seen me around?" He asked but before the question was answered the pagan had to leave.

Remy laughed at the thought, opening his eyes and looking out the only open window he noticed the legs swinging from the roof. He then got up and walked to the kitchen, fixing himself a hot espresso before walking away to the bathroom, grabbing some towels for when his lover would finally come inside. Meanwhile (y/n) themselves got distracted, remembering the day they went on their first date.

(Y/n)s outfit was mostly greens and purples while Remy sported his famous look. It seemed Zeus and Posiedon wished to try and ruin their date as there was a thunderstorm this time. The couple of two weeks had taken shelter in the nearest Starbucks and had taken their orders. Remy sat with a grandé caramel frappecino in one hand, the other arm laying idly on th window sill. (Y/n) was sat across from him, in their hand was a secret menu beverage, herbal mango hibiscus tea that had been sweetened and left to go lukewarm. The latter spoke tirelessly and joyously of their religion, how there are many pantheons, his connection to Dionysus, spells and rituals, ect. "I also made some black salt for you. It wards of evil spirits and bad neighbours... here!" With a gentle smile they passed the vial over, however the sly coffee addict grabbed the witches wrist and kissed them gently. They stayed like that for maybe a seccond or two before parting. And after some more chatter the pair headed home.

The time was now 10:30pm and, after collecting enough storm water (y/n) carefully slid into the house, walking face first into their husband who wrapped them up like a cute burrito. "Hey honey, thinking about me were you?" They smiled as they kissed Remy, who returned the action. "Well, nothing can distract me" he began before quoting something they always said after their first date, "even if rain is my jam."
-----------------------------------------------------------Hello my rabbits! It has been a short while, I've been trying to deal with my own personal intrusive thoughts thanks to this quarantine, yet I have written this little thing and... yeah. I hope you're all surviving my rabbits and now I'm gonna throw down some facts.

-Dionysus: god of wine, parties, and sexual deviency. He could easily be a god of madness thanks to his followers (known as maynads) and the cult of Dionysus, I would know... I work with Dionysus. Where people would get high and drunk and dismember those who opposed the cult (or just random people) or performed sexual acts (funfact, the cult of Dionysus basically caused orgy to be a word so.... yeah)
-Pagan/paganism: similar to wicca and Orphic religions. Tend to be polytheic, not every witch must work with the same god. (I know the madness of working with Dionysus... help me) believes in many pantheons.
-Hypno: the greek god of sleep and brother to Thanatos, the god of peaceful death. It is said he works with the moon goddess trio and helps cause drowsiness (unfortunately I do not work with him myself)

Thats your pagan lesson for the day, stay safe my rabbits.

Sanders sides Oneshots (X reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin