Running down the clock - Virgil

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Another slog of it from nine til now.

I looked at the clock on the wall, it was half seven at night. But due to the fact it was winter, it was pitch black outside.

Too tired to tangle with these terrible waves of self-doubt.

My mind raced in uncontrolled measures, once one thing calmed another popped up, like a never-ending whack a mole.

But it's a right off, till morning at least.

My eyes flicked to the tiny glimmer of light seeping through the slightest crack in my door, signalling my roommate and his sides, were still awake, to the ceiling, to my motionless phone as I hunted for a distraction.

But it's still so soon.

It felt so early, it was so early, but I needed to get more rest.

To go to sleep.

My eyes flicked back to the slowly ticking clock that had slightly began to collect dust, showing how much I cared for it.

So I'm running down the clock until bedtime.

I could slightly hear the laughing of two sides, Roman and Patton. Thomas made a pretty bad joke which embarrassed Logan. I smiled a tiny bit but as soon as it died down my smile died with it.

8pm and now there's no way I'm gonna feel better than I have done all day.

The clock hit 8pm and the sound of feet walking past my room was made present, I knew instantly it was Patton as he yelled good night to the others like he had with me earlier.

I'll kick it's ass tomorrow and I'll get back on top.

Another person walked passed my door silently, Logan. Who tapped a goodnight onto my door in Morse code, careful to not open the door more than it already was, before walking up to his room.

If I can, but until then, I'm still running down.

I looked at my now monochrome bookshelf, displaying both books and plush toys as I tried to find more distractions.

9pm, close enough.

A duo of feet walked passed my door this time, Thomas and Roman. Who said a final goodnight to me through the door, walking off after.

My phone buzzed, when I grabbed it, it showed a text from the one person who hadn't told me goodnight yet.

It read. If your anxiety acts up then come and chat with me, I'll be downstairs. Goodnight. V.

A smile crept into my face as I put my phone down and drifted off.

Man, I hate losing days to this stuff.

Hi guys! Hope you enjoyed this little one. I started listening to basically afloat by Luke Westaway and this is probably my favourite song from the album. And who better to pair it with than anxiety himself?

Go check out the album on YouTube if you don't know it exists because it does and it's a BOP!

(Personally I recommend don't wait until 2016 to try therapy, oh no and running down the clock until bedtime)

See ya later!

Sanders sides Oneshots (X reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon