Deceit - devils train

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Audio entry 1:

"Greetings, my name is (y/n)." I stated clearly into the tape recorder. "Patton, my dad, told me a peculiar story today, about the young rat who gave to those with less than him. It sounds a rather weird story doesn't it? Mum tells me that there's a meaning behind it I'll understand when I'm older."

Sighing I looked at the clock that hung on my wall. "I should try to sleep soon. I'll talk soon. (Y/n)."

The tape recorder clicked off and I labelled it 'peculiar story'.

Audio entry 2:

"Hello again. This is (y/n) speaking. Dad told me another weird story. This one makes no sense at all! I swear dad's going mad. I know there's meaning somewhere but I can't find it!"

I fell back onto my bed, the sound recorded into it. "I don't understand. If he wants to tell me something he should just tell me! It's about half eleven. I should sleep. More to come. (Y/n).

A large yawn left my mouth as the recording ended. Named 'more confusion'.

Audio entry 3:

"JUST TELL ME INSTEAD OF USING YOUR STUPID MORAL GUIDANCE YOU IDIOT!" My voice yelled down the stairs before I slammed the door to my room, throwing my tape recorder onto my bed.

"How come they won't tell me, you know what I mean Dolus?" I took my yellow snake out of his cage, he hissed and seemed to nod in reply. "You're like the only thing that actually understands me. Aren't you buddy?"

Another soft hiss came from the forbidden ramen noodle. I looked to my side. "Oh, I didn't realize it started recording. Hey, at least you like your hat little dude." I laughed before picking up the recorder.

"You can guess what happened. I got mad at dad. His stupid stories are trying to morally guide me, I know but AAAAA. sorry Dolus." I scratched the noodles chin as an apology for yelling.

"Anyways. Hell you later. (Y/n)."

As I finished I put my precious reptilian son back into his cage. Clicking off the tape recorder after.

Audio entry 4:

"This is a first. Apparently I had an uncle sorta guy who left mum and dad fifteen years before I was born. Sucks to be him I guess." I laughed into the tape recorder as Dolus hissed into my ear.

"Hey that tickles! Silly noodle. Anyway, I'm thinking of heading out tomorrow. Might head to the train tracks. They aren't used anymore so might do some photography." The noodle hissed again. "Do you wanna come too Dolus? Fine by me!"

Stretching and clicking my wrist and shoulders I prepped my bag before putting Dolus in his cage.

"You know who it is. I'll take you with me too okay? (Y/n), signing off."

Smiling brightly I clicked the tape off.
I glanced up at my wall and saw a guy in a white prince sorta outfit. I looked back down, doing a double take after my brain processed what I saw. But there was nothing the second time.

Audio entry 5:


he snapping of twigs and rustling of dead leaves under my boots was peaceful. "Sup. No intros are needed since you know who it is. I got Dolus here too! Say hi noodle boy." I smiled to my living reptilian best friend and currently fashionable scarf.

He let out little hiss and I chuckled softly. "It's been pretty foggy but I've gotten some great shots! I'd show you but you're technically not real." A large snap echoed from beneath my feet.

I climbed a pretty steep slope that led straight to the tracks. "It looks like there's someone else ahead." I stated, putting the recorder into my bag.

Their grin grew and Dolus slithered off towards the silohette which grew bigger as I stepped forward along the wet tracks.

Dolus was wrapped around this strangers arm. The stranger smirking as he looked at me. As I looked at him I saw the left half of his face was like a snakes which suprised Mr.

"It's a nice night for a walk, would you mind if I joined you?" the man asked. "Do what you wanna do." "Well that's great because in going to." He responded. "And not to annoy you but see, I really have to ask what a pretty thing like you is doing out by the tracks." As he finished his sentence he gently lifted my head while a soft blush plastered onto my face.

"Are you waiting on a train?"  He questioned. "No man, let me explain." "Alright." "I'm minding my business so maybe you should do the same. I've recently been witness to something sick and sadistic. So twisted and disgusting, you should feel real lucky you missed it." I stated, turning away.

What suprised me was that he was already the other side of me. "Go easy with the talk sweetie. Try to listen carefully, what you've seen's scary, but nothing when compared to me." His snake like eye glimmered with something I didn't recognize. He grabbed my hand and we started dancing together.

"I could show you things to make all your dreams haunted." He said before pulling my into his chest and whispering into my ear. "I could make you ssssssscream if I wanted."

I tried to pull my self away from him but Dolus kept a tight grip on both of our arms. Keeping them tightly connected. "Or I could be the bee in your bonnet, your best friend forever. Two peas in a pod, flocking like birds of a feather." He smirked.

"You'll never have a need to beg, work or steal. If all this sounds worth it then let's make a deal." The forbidden ramen noodle who held our arms together hissed happily. "All you want in life for the price of your soul. All the money you can fold power that you can hold. I'll put you in control, only if you're down to roll down these train tracks tonight." He said, moving aside and gesturing to the rest of the track that were hidden underneath the unused tunnel.

I looked at the tracks underneath my feet, biting my lip as I thought. 'maybe.. maybe it won't be so bad'

Looking up at him I replied.
"But.. where are we gonna go?" A smirk fell onto his lips as we began walking forwards, Dolus slithered back to being around my neck like a living scarf.
"My name is Deceit by the by."

The empty click of the tape recorder hit our ears, yet neither of us cared.

With a small smile I mumbled"you know who it is." Before Deceit wrapped his arms around me tightly. "God you're so warm..." He whispered. A bigger smile jumped onto my face and we walked on.

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