Janus - nightmares

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Warning: this oneshot goes into deep detail of multiple phobias, if you have any deep irrational fears of the following then please don't read this,
Small repeating patterns,
Cramped spaces,
I would hate to be the reason someone had a panic attack so please do not read this if this is the case. Thank you my wonderful rabbits.

It was two am. The eerie silence in the mindspace was cut into by the loudest yell from a now startled side, Paranoia. Normally they wouldn't be so startled, due to the constant fears and largely hightened anxiety but this one was different. As they got out of bed they carefully and quietly wrapped an almost golden in colour blanket around their shoulders. It only took around ten minutes for Paranoia to adjust to the darkness and begin walking around. They couldn't help but feel like Coraline when she chased after the rat that lead to the other mother, only they weren't chasing any rats.

Walking to the room of the only person they trust Paranoia saw Remy, walking around with a starbucks in his hand. "Hey girl. What's gotten you up so early?" He asked carefully, not wanting to cause a panic attack. He recieved a barely audibe "a nightmare" as his answer before the questioned waved and bolted away. The coffee addict knowing fully well what the nightmare was probably about. Paranoia on the other hand was only more shaken as they swore they heard footsteps following after them. And at that point their pace quicked and they thought back to their nightmare.

There was complete and utter darkness, and beyond some kind of thin wall were multiple voices until a bright shining light shone down from above, revealing that the startled side was trapped inside a tight box and that they had an audience. This is when the panic set in like a heavy storm. They could hear an announcer talking about them and the ridiculing laughs of the audience as their vulgar ears listened to paranoias comicly over-exaggerated description of every "broken law"... every time they caused Thomas to have a major panic attack. But it wasn't only this that caused the audience to ridicule the poor side, as they themselves were acting up, panicking like there was nothing to be calm about. They were slamming their hands on the glass that separated them from freedom, until they felt something fall and ricocheted off their back. And another thing. The space filled partially with heavy and hideous spiders and scorpions, all biting and jabbing Paranoia. As their cries of agony filled the room and mixed with the cackling laughs of the cruel announcer and the audience. It was then their vision filled with a dull repeating pattern which only grew smaller and much more repetitive as the mere seconds passed. It was demanded for the tank to now fill with water, leaving the weak side to drown. As the tank slowly but surely filled up Paranoia was surrounded by the corpses of those eight legged bastards, and was losing precious air. Their lungs burned once they were fully submerged... and only one minute or two passed before the audience demanded for the side to be slaughtered. What suprised and pained them was that the only person they trust with their life was the announcer. He summoned his cane and, without warning, stabbed through his fellow sides stomach causing a deafening yell to fill the auditorium. Then Paranoia woke up...

They finally reached their destination and frantically knocked on the door to Janus room. Once the door opened and Janus knew who it was he immediately pulled the other into a gentle hug. "Nightmare?" He asked, feeling the now calmed Paranoia nod he smiled, whispering sweet and caring words into their ear. He sat back down and yawned before lying down again, moving to make space for the other side who gladly took up that spot. Feeling two arms wrap around them Paranoia smiled, finally feeling safe. "Hey... Janus? Do you promise to keep a secret?" They asked, nestling their head in the crook of the liars neck. "Of course, you can trust me with any thing." With that confirmation Paranoia took a deep breath. "Well... its two things. My name is (y/n) and...." they paused debating whether to say before deciding to just be out with it. "I love you Janus." They felt Janus relax more before a soft kiss was placed on their forehead. "I love you too (y/n)... get some sleep, I'll protect you." Janus said, and he did so.

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