Logan - Comics

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"Just read this one Logan! You'll love it, I'm sure!" Said (y/n) as he pushed a book titled Paper Girls, vol.1 into the other males unimpressed hands.

(Y/n) was trying to convince Logan that 'Not all comics are inconsistent and horribly written with minor plot'

So far Logan had been winning... Barely.

"Are they still arguing?" Patton asked Virgil as he made himself a hot chocolate, glancing at the debating pair for a second. "Yep. And so far Logan's winning. Unfortunately."

With a glare (y/n) stormed out of the room, his favourite comic being insulted in the process. "TALK TO ME WHEN YOU HAVE A GOOD ARGUMENT AND WON'T INSULT MY FAVOURITE BOOK, YOU CLOD!" He yelled before slamming the door to his room.

Silently, after three or four minutes, Logan grabbed the comic from the coffee table and hesitantly began reading.

(Y/n) on the other hand began blasting Paramore as he started re reading Deadly class.

"Hey kiddo? Can I come in?" Patton yelled over the deafening music.

The door swung open to a messy room, mostly covered by many different comics all spilling out of boxes, and an intently reading (y/n) sat on his bed.

With a clap of his hands all of (y/n)'s comics were neatly put away, all in rows on his bookshelf, the remaining few neatly in boxes under his bed.

"Sup. Need anything Pat?" The reading one casually asked, yawning slightly as he stretched his arms while looking at the dad-ly side. "Would you like a snack? Or something to drink? I know you and Logan were arguing about your books."

"They're more than just books, but yes. Just some (f/soda) would be nice." He responded, looking back to his comic. Patton nodded and left, keeping the door slightly agar so as not to force it open again.

Three hours passed and (y/n) still hadn't left his room. Patton and Virgil coming in to check on him every once in awhile.

Logan kept on reading and re reading the first Paper Girls book, unwilling to admit that he was wrong and his friend was right.

"Logan are you reading the book (y/n) gave you?" Virgil asked, shocked as he glanced over the strict males shoulder. The only reaction was a slight nod as Logan flipped through the pages he had already read for the thousandth time.

Virgil grinned and walked away, texting (y/n).

You're not going to believe this...

This better be important, I've got a comic to read. Well... Re read.

Not important


Logan's reading Paper girls.
Re reading it I think.


I swear

(Y/n) began to laugh his ass off. He couldn't believe it. Logan was reading and possibly re reading the comic that he stupidly insulted. "Hypocrite." Was all the solitary boy said as he began to read crush rush with Fall out boy blasting in the background.

It was nearly midnight and (y/n) was still awake and reading, listening to Fall out boy through his headphones, so he wouldn't wake anyone else up.

There was a knock on his door. One he hadn't expected.

It was Patton. With some sleepy time tea, lavender incense sticks, lavender air freshener, and a white noise machine.

"Pat, I don't need all of this." The reading boy sighed as he listened to the sound of the shore that came from the machine. Patton smiled as he handed over the tea and even fluffed (y/n)'s nearly unused pillow as the latter drank the tea given to him

The slightly older male responded how he did need sleep, even if he didn't want it, and told him not to stay up all night.

Lying down with a comic in his arms and a full cup of tea going through his digestive system, (y/n) slowly drifted off.

During the night however, a certain bespectacled man carefully entered his room. Taking a box labelled Paper girls (smaller books) and creeping out without a single alert.

When morning came there was a scream that echoed from (y/n)s room, followed by a collection of sounds of things getting thrown over, and breaking. Walking into the room it was now a mess... Comics strewn all over the place with (y/n) panicking in the centre of it all.

"PAPER GIRLS IS GONE!" is all he yelled to the first two who found him like this. Virgil and Patton.

Patton sat with him and tried to calm him down while Virgil started texting.

Okay you're in deep shit

I'm sorry? Also thank you for the correct use of "you're"

(Y/n) is freaking out right now thanks to you. Paper Girls is missing and I know you took it.

What? That's what I'm in 'deep shit' about? Really?

You do not understand how important that series is to him. It's the first full series that he got every single book from and had every single collectable from. You better give it back.

I will. I'm on the last book anyway.

And with that. Virgil shut off his phone.

"Patton. Get everyone, and I mean everyone, to the living room. We're going to the mind palace today."

Logan looked at everyone, guilt hidden as he saw (y/n)s tear stained face.

Deceit and Remus looked confused as to why they were there. Until the mind palace turned into a danganronpa themed trial room. Thomas sitting on a throne aside from everyone else.

Forty-five minutes passed and (y/n) knew who it was, along with Virgil. Patton and Roman however, believed that it was one of the two dark sides

"WAIT!" (Y/n) yelled. Grabbing everyone's attention. "Deceit's being honest. He has been for the entire trial. I know who it was now, one thousand percent!"

Everyone sat with bated breath.

Logan's palms were sweaty.

"It was you! Wasn't it Logan?" You exclaimed as you pointed at the now nervous side. "When Patton left my room he left it slightly agar, I saw a little light coming from your room, you were the only one awake. And the only one who wouldn't alert me to their presence. Remus' stench would wake me up, Patton doesn't like Paper girls, Virgil was listening to MCR, Deceit didn't know Paper girls existed and Roman was asleep. That only leaves you."

Logan grew nervous. The group left the mind palace instantly. "Why didn't you just ask?" Patton questioned for the comic loving side.

"Because I didn't want to be wrong! You'd all mock me for it-" "Virgil told me you were reading it. I wouldn't mock you for loving a good comic series! Just.. ask next time nerd."

Time went on, Logan and (y/n) reading comics together almost all the time. "Hey, Lo? Would it be bad to say I like you?" (Y/n) asked nervously. Logan replied with a soft smile. "Only if it's bad for me to say I like you too."

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