Patton - what in the hell?

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Hello my rabbits! This oneshot was inspired by one of you awesome peeps: That_Naruto_Dork! This oneshot is gonna be a little different to most/all of the others as it's more of a platonic, familial love between you and Pat instead of a romantic one. I hope you all enjoy!
Today was a day like any other; Logan was cooking breakfast, Virgil was practicing guitar, Roman was watching beauty and the beast (and Logan) then there was Patton who was sat quietly Infront of a pentagram made up of plushies, cookies, many assorted candies and a lit candle at each point of the star. The boy was reciting words that Remus had told him would summon a demon, Logan knocked on the door to tell him know that breakfast was ready but he could hear faint mumbling. The teacher opened the door and was instantly shocked; Infront of Patton was a girl who looked fully other worldly. Her entire outfit seemed to be candy based, she wasn't 'slim' however she definitely wasn't 'fat' at all, and her hair was two toned, one half was a light blue and the other was a darker (f/c) and one of her eyes wasn't even an eye but a jawbreaker. She fixed her headpiece (which seemed to be three enlarged haribos stuck to her hair) while whistling a peppy tune. She looked down and saw that her bootlaces were undone and knelt down to tie them up again before she noticed Patton. "Oh, HAIIIIII! You're the one who summoned me? SWEET! You look ADORABLE!!!!" She gushed and squeed at the innocent boy who couldn't believe he was actually able to summon a demon.

(Y/n) dropped to her knees and started smooshing Patton's face, constantly calling him adorable and so on. "Oh! Right, rightrightrightrightright! Why have you summoned me? Do you need me to kill something? Do you want eternal joy-" before she could finish her questioning she saw Patton had started crying. Logan (who had been watching silently) was about to step in until the demon tore her jawbreaker 'eye' out and offered it to the young boy, who only hugged her tightly instead. "I.. I want you to be my friend. I don't feel like anyone here is my friend. And, you must feel lonely, being in hell and all. So.. so I want you to be my friend!" He spoke between sniffs before hugging her tighter. (Y/n) was suprised that she was summoned so he could have a friend, cutting off one of her fingers and turning it into a candy cane she made the finger grow back and snapped the cane in half. "Take the other half of this came and eat it. Then I'll be able to stay here and be your friend!" She smiled brilliantly and ate her half in one go, Patton copying her actions and smiling just as bright as she was before she began, joking slightly "Gotta warn you tho Patton. I can eat for hours without a pause. Even if I'm not hungry!" When Patton asked how she knew his name she admitted that she had been watching over the entire group for years; always speaking her mind even though none of them could hear her wise words.

Little to the knowledge of Patton, everyone else was peering into the room. Each with a face of shock. Logan for obvious reasons, Remus because it actually worked, Roman because he got it to work without a sacrifice,
Then Deceit and Virgil for the fact that Patton actually had the idea to summon a demon. Then, in almost complete unison after Patton stood up and turned around to the others (jumping a little since he didn't expect any of them to be there) practically shouted "PATTON WHAT THE FUCK?!" While (y/n) covered his ears at the last word. The demon and human duo looked to eachother and just cracked up laughing, as if the pair had an inside joke that only they knew about. Taking off a rather large, off-white backpack from her back (y/n) opened it and pulled out each of the sides favourite snacks, stating that she was their new friend too and that the snacks were friendship tokens. She spent every day doing what she could to help the others or make them happy, even helping Thomas with any of his problems too, all with a massive grin and an armful of snacks. Until things started to change a little.

Patton and Virgil started dating. (Y/n) shipped it way more than was probably healthy but she felt a little hurt, not because she loved Patton (although she did a little but much more in a motherly way than romantic) but because... She'd have to go back to hell. She increasingly spent more time with Remus and asked him an important favour. "When I go back to hell. Tell Patton that he was and is the best friend I could ever have. And if he ever wants to talk to use these." She said as she gave Remus a notebook and a backgammon board, instructions on how to use the board to contact her too, before she turned and basically disappeared. She'd returned to her home. Remus did everything the gluttonous demon asked and Patton was greatful, keeping in contact with (y/n) constantly while she continued to watch over him and his friends.

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