Intruality - not so innocent (PT.1)

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Warning, the contents of this oneshot are for the perpouse of someone enjoying this ship because God knows that there's very few of us. With this in mind please remember that A) there are no cannot ships for Sanders sides and it's none of your goddamn business what people's OTP and NOTP are. We're not all the same. Don't be a toxic ass. And B) this is Remus, there will be mentions of sex. You have been warned. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy.

Patton couldn't help it. He was sat in his room with a notebook on his lap. Everything inside had something about him and his crush, Remus. Most people, especially any of the others, would be horrified or confused as to how Patton would love a 'creep' like Remus, or how these feelings ever started. But he couldn't help it. Unlike everyone else he could look past all the gore and pervertedness that was Remus.

As his eyes ghosted over the page all there was were plans for dates, simple chill days and... Certain fantasies that would put into question his status of the 'most innocent' of all the sides. There were also stray doodles of the boy and his crush. Patton wanted nobody to find out until he was ready to admit that he loved the duke, even if he had to keep their relationship secret. That is, if Remus returned his affection, which was a low chance in Patton's eyes. He sighed and flipped to a new page. Scribbling up another... Fantasy of his.

After about half an hour the boy hid his notebook away, leaving his room to cook lunch for the group. Remus however, he could hear all of the thoughts that forced themselves into any sides head and Patton's were loud and clear. Making sure not to make a noise as he crept into Patton's room, looking for something, anything that Patton would use to vent his feelings. His eyes scanned over everything after he successfully entered the room without alerting anyone.

He looked through everything, looked under every pillow (to which there were many pilled in one corner), on top of any high surface and through a small bookshelf until he found what he was looking for. Skipping to Patton's bed the duke sat down, one leg crossing over the other as he opened on the first page. Once he started reading he couldn't stop, a great smirk painted onto his lips the more he read. "So... This is what Patton thinks of me~ he isn't so innocent after all. And he's such a good artist." He mumbled to himself quietly before laughing "I can just hear him begging for me from the page~" he cackled, calming down slightly as he heard his future lover calling everyone down for lunch. Remus closed the book carefully, making sure he didn't accidentally tear or fold part of the page before he put it back.

As he decended down the stairs to the dining room of the mindspace he gave direct eye contact to Patton, smirking when the other weren't looking as if to say 'I know what you've been thinking about~' this caused a faint blush to cover Patton's face as he placed food onto everyones designated seat. That was until Remus decided to sit where Roman usually would, next to Patton. As soon as the smaller side sat down the group started eating, after a small argument from the twins, and Remus decided to see how restraining of himself Patton was by placing his hand onto the latters thigh, making him flinch slightly. Looking from the corner of his eye he noticed how the faint, barely noticeable blush had brightened slightly, Patton's movements becoming a little more robotic. More thoughts ran into Patton's head and, in turn, into Remus' head  too. This amused the duke as he gave a faint smirk and drew some patterns onto the fatherly sides leg, running his fingers along the others thigh as he continued eating, so he wouldn't grab the attention of the others.

After everyone had finished the meal they all went off to their own rooms, leaving Patton and Remus who offered to help clean up. Once he had he left quickly, going up to Patton's room and finding that notebook again, finding the page he was on before lunch, reading every detail with growing enthusiasm and excitement. Part of him wanted to take the notebook and memorize everything written down on every page, making all of Patton's desires a perfect reality. Every date, every chill day, everything would be perfect just as Patton deserves.

Soon the duke heard footsteps heading towards the door to Patton's room and hid behind the door just as it swung open, barely touching Remus as Patton pushed the door behind him, not noticing the duke that stood behind him. As the fatherly side sat down he breathed a sigh of slight relief before reaching to get his notebook, only to see that it wasn't there. This caused panic to course through his veins, especially once he heard the dark laugh of his crush, who had moved to lean casually on the door, notebook in hand on one of the more.. detailed fantasy pages. "I didn't think you'd be so dirty Patton. You aren't the innocent side the others believe. I was rather shocked when I started to hear those thoughts pouring out from you, let alone reading them and knowing it is all about me... You have the others fooled but I'll be the only one who knows about this side of you.. it's quite hot really~." He spoke as he walked closer, tossing the notebook into the mountain of pillows by the door. Immediately after he pulled Patton up by the wrists and twirled around with him, moving to that he was closer to the ground. "I'd make sure you feel nothing but bliss okay~? But in return I'll need something from you." Patton was slightly nervous, what would Remus want. He was worried Remus was saying this so that he could be used as the dukes own personal sex toy. "I want you to be mine. You're going to be my boyfriend in return. Hell I'll marry you if I must. That's what I want from you. Okay... Daddy~?" He whispered into Patton's ear with a smirk on his lips. With a blush and a nod Patton responded "As long as you treat me well, I'll always be yours. I've liked you for a long time." Hugging the duke after. That was when he was picked up and placed down carefully on his bed, Remus lying down next to him and holding him gently, it was then the new couple slowly drifted off into a sleepy Wonderland

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