Moxiety - Seafoam and Lavender

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Virgil didn't expect to see anyone in the woods this late in the night, Helios had greatly lowered the sun, yet here someone stood, their silhouette barely illuminated by the soft glow of the moonbeams. Virgil was suprised to see another being, even more so when another figure joined the first. "Lady Aphrodite, it is an honour." The first chimed. Their voice was so beautiful, so soft, Virgil was enamoured, he loved it so much. The second, this so called Aphrodite, laughed softly; ruffling this mysterious persons hair. "My darling follower, you know I shall always accompany you." She responded sweetly. The duo walked together until they sat at a small ledge, the seafoam lifting to soak their feet; lukewarm only for the goddess and her deciple, Poseidon himself showing his liking to the mortal. "My dear Patton" Aphrodite began, Virgil immediately noting that name, "please tell me you found some mortal that is in your league, I swear on Hades-" "Don't swear on Hades, he's nice. And he's married to Persephone... the literal goddess of destruction" Patton cut off the goddess before she made a grave mistake "Fine but still, when you find anyone you want to keep as yours then say the word and snap! He'll be all yours. WAIT I CAN FIND YOU SOME PERFECT SUITORS!" Aphrodite cheered, kicking the seafoam in excitement and clapping her hands gleefully; a sweet laugh erupting from this Patton like liquid frankincense and myrrh from a bleeding commiphora plant.

Virgil felt himself smile so softly at this sound, his heart pounding so loudly in his own ears he swore that they had to hear him. The goddess and her disciple sat together an hour longer yet Virgil had to leave, looking back at the two figures in soft yearning. Once he had returned to his home (barely a home, as it was an old building used by the cult of Dionysus once they had been more accepted in society) he was met face to face with his deity, the life of the party, the sexual and religious deviancy, Dionysus. "Hey bitch, little bull tells me you've been watching Aphrodite?" "No, my lord. I was walking through the woods and saw... Well, yes it was Lady Aphrodite but" and so began the rambling from Virgil, which Dionysus immediately tuned out as the mortal would stumble over his own words trying to explain himsef; "and there was this beautiful guy, called Patton." That stuck out to the deity, who grabbed his maenad by the shoulders in glee "you're finally in love, YES! FUCK YOU ZEUS, I FUCKING TOLD YOU THIS LITTLE BITCH WOULD FALL IN LOVE! Gods I'm so proud of you Virgil, you've grown up so fast." Dionysus joked, wiping fake tears from his eyes. His tune changed as soon as he realized Virgil was in love with one of Aphrodites followers and the love distracted goddess was planning a load of suitors for her dear follower already. With that Dionysus told the pale mortal that he would try to pull one or two strings.

The calling of songbirds and doves lulled Patton awake slowly, small blades of sunlight peering through the windows of the large palace in a gentle and warming feel. Aphrodite had informed the beautiful mortal that he would have many encounters with those that she deemed perfect for him. Sitting up in his bed the sweet boy gazed out the window, the sound of the ocean crashing against the cliff face with a soft smile on his face. A short while after Patton stood up, stretching his limbs slightly before he began to put on a pale blue toga; his heart racing in love and fear. Walking out to the garden Patton picked one of the narcissus flowers that grew near a small pond in the centre of the garden, determined to gift the flower to someone he may genuinely like. Leaving his home the boy walked into town, a disguised Aphrodite walking alongside him who began to point out any of the fine looking mortals she belived would be perfect for him while Patton tried his best to secretly ignore the goddess. That being until his eyes fell upon someone deep in the crowd, closer to the forest that the people; almost as if he was afraid of the people nearby.

Virgil, on the otherhand, was waiting at the edge of the forest for Dionysus; to whom had gone into the crowd to try and find Aphrodite and her mortal follower. His deep coloured eyes glanced over everyone as he felt panic looming over him, silently cursing the god as it did so. He felt his chest tightening and he was close to running away, deep into the forest. He flinched harshly when he felt someones hand on his bare shoulder, their touch was gentle, soft, warm. "Are you okay? Come with me." A beautiful and familiar voice spoke, leading him into the woods. The pair walked and walked until they found a large grove full of lavender. "Lavender helps calm people down, I've used it for an old friend of mine. My name is Patton, after pathos... and yours?" Virgils heart was racing "you look very pretty by the way, purple suits you... I take it you're one of Dionysus' maeynads." The boy smiled so sweetly that Virgil wanted to lock their lips together and never let it end.

The pair simply spent their time together for a few months becoming quite close friends. Dionysus and Aphrodite watched their relationship flourish softly, their joy and excitement was obvious every time they met with their mortal follower, so much that the two gods planned on getting the mortals to confess. It was supremely late at night, Patton was stood in the lavender grove with noises creeping from behind, the call of Dionysus' maeynads deafening the silence of night. The young mortal sighed and began walking towards the  small cliff yet he stopped when he felt a pair of eyes gazing at him from farther in the woods; turning towards the noise of the maeynads and the feeling of someones gaze. Patton slowly began to back away, turning toward where the cliff was and walking to his destination. Virgil silently followed behind, freezing whenever Patton would turn back around; soon he was close behind Patton, both close enough to the small cliff to hear the ocean more than the maeynads, the taste of the sea breeze. Virgils arms wrapped tightly around Patton, the latter freezing up and holding his breath; a shiver trailing up his spine when he felt Virgils face press into his back, that being until Patton managed to turn around. Virgil smiled in his tipsy state and holding Patton tighter before pulling him to the ground, cheering "I have the whole world in my arms, it's soooooo pretty. I just want to keep it in my arms and never let go~." Pattons face flushed a shade of pink, his arms slowly moving to wrap around Virgils shoulders, his arms faintly rubbing against Virgils. Pattons heart was racing as he and Virgil locked eyes, their breathing in perfect sync. Virgils hands moved up to Pattons face, his thumb running across Pattons lip as he smiled happily "you're so beautiful Patton, but that's not the only reason I love you" he grinned "you're so sweet and kind, you're just perfect." As he finished his statement Patton smiled, his heart swelled in pure joy. Both their hearts fluttering as they gazed into eachothers eyes, Patton felt lost in the deep abyss of beautiful colour that were the iris of Virgils eyes; the deep shade of wine and liquid obsidian like pools of beauty, Patton felt like he was falling in a warm abyss. Virgil, he had fallen into the hypnotizing gaze of Pattons eyes, the deep iris colour that reminds one of the warm tropical ocean controlled and cared for by Poseidon. A beautiful bright blue that shone brightly with soft flecks of gold around his pupils.

Aphrodite and Dionysus watched from over head, both on the verge of pushing the mortals heads together already. The gods waited with baited breath, their anticipation building. Patton held Virgils tipsy face and moved closer, the latter moving himself onto the taller mans lap, his heart racing. Aphrodite groaned in impatience and pushed their heads together, yelling for them to just kiss already. Virgil smiled and kept their lips locked for as long as he could, parting to look at Pattons adorable flustered face. The shorter gazed gently yet longingly at him, fingers tracing over his lips before they locked together again. "I love you too Virgil. My mischievous maeynad."

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