Deceit and Virgil - love is war

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It was tense.. Everyone was watching as Deceit and Virgil argued over (y/n), who was in their room, silently listening to the storm outside with a cup of warm milk in their hands.

Deceit and Virgil loved (y/n). Everyone knew that. The pair would kill everyone and themselves if anything happened to the quiet one they loved. Although the pair agreed only one could have (y/n), and so they were at war to see who would win their affections.

Deceit knew that the odds were against him however vowed to never stop fighting for his crushes feelings until they belonged to him. He wrote poetry, he was the most honest person, he did everything he could for (y/n)s feelings. Every time (y/n) was sad he would be there to make the sad one happy once again. He was sure that he would win this childish war... However a part of him was hurt. Part of him longed for his rival...

Virgil, on the other hand, had the odds in his favour. He would give random gifts to the thief of his heart, hoping they were to (y/n)s standards. He did everything in his power to derail Deceits plans yet they seemed to go better for him, causing Virgil to be mad for obvious reasons. He wanted to be selfish and have (y/n) all to himself. Yet he too, deep down, wanted to be with Deceit at the same time.

(Y/n)... They were conflicted. They loved Deceit, his secretive personality, his quirky yet cute snake-like mannerisms, his sarcastic tones. He was an enigma... No one even knew his name, yet he decided to spend time with them. Yet they also loved Virgil. The adorable ball of angst and emo energy did everything he could for (y/n), even if it was a miniscule thing. It tore them apart... They didn't know what to do.

It was a quiet day for once. (Y/n) had been avoiding the two feuding sides like they were the plague, they just wanted one day to themselves.. to figure out what to do. So they turned to their closest friend.. Roman. Roman knew about Deceit and Virgil's feelings for (y/n) however swore not to tell them. "Roman?" The shy one asked, causing Roman to turn from his make-up stand. "Oh, good morning (y/n), what do you need?" Roman asked, motioning for them to take a seat.

As soon as they had sat down Roman continued with his make-up, listening to everything (y/n) had to say. "I... I don't know if it's just me but have Virgil or Deceit been acting... Differently? It might seem weird but hear me out!" They paused, trying to plan out what they should say in their head. "They've been nice. Like, obscenely nice. They're almost constantly giving me gifts and helping me, whenever I'm sad one of them is there to make me happy... Hell, Deceit wrote some poetry for me! It was amazing by the by, same level as Edgar Allan Poe-.. that's beside the point." (Y/n) laughed slightly as Roman had seemingly frozen in what he was doing, listening to his best friend.

"Roman... What do you do when you're in love... But it's for two people? I mean.. they hate eachother! And.. well... I- what am I saying, they're probably just being nice." They huffed slightly, as Roman finished before turning to his confused friend. "Well. They're not 'just being nice' I can tell you that. This is like Romeo and Juliet... With two Romeos... No.. in a way this is more like Othello... " He started, priming (y/n)s face, adding concealer over their closed eyes and blending it out.

As he continued he added hints to the feelings both sides held, yet they didn't understand. After awhile he couldn't help but admit the truth. "They love you (y/n). Deceit and Virgil... They both love you. They're at war-" he was cut off by the sound of metal clashing and yelling. Instantly the pair ran to the source of the fighting.

As anyone would guess..

It was Virgil and Deceit.

(Y/n) was too nervous. They wanted to stop the two idiots from fighting but they didn't know how. Thoughts raced through their head on how to end this.

Remus sat down on the sofa with an overflowing bucket of popcorn, watching the fighting pair in hopes that Deceit would win.

Patton had bags under his eyes that matched Virgil's eyeshadow almost perfectly and cup of coffee in his hand.

Logan was just asleep and Roman had gone back to his room.

"WILL YOU TWO ABSOLUTE, NO GOOD, DRAGON CLAWED, GOD FORSAKEN PECK NECKS STOP?!" (Y/n) yelled at the top of their lungs in stress. Everyone stopped and looked at the visibly stressed side in shock. (Y/n) rarely called anyone a peck neck unless in complete stress. Remus instantly started laughing until fourteen megaphones got thrown at him. "You can shut your PECKING MOUTH REMUS!" They glared at everyone until the two feuding sides started fighting again.

That was until a sword matching the great knife of pyramid head slammed between the two. "YOU LOUSY PECK NECKS I SAID STOP I DON'T WANT EITHER OF YOU TO GET HURT!" it was then everyone realised (y/n) was almost crying. "I love you... Both of you idiots but all you do is fight. I try so hard to stop you from fighting because it hurts me to hear you insult eachother and literally fight one another. I love you both and Roman told me that you both love me too." Their sword welding hand trembled before they snapped their fingers and the weapon disappeared, letting them collapse tiredly.

Remus and Patton could instantly read the mood and picked up the still sleeping Logan and left. The trio looked at the floor in silence. (Y/n) gulped in slight nervousness as they glanced to the two sides either side of them. "You.... You love us too?" Virgil asked until Deceit lunged at the both, holding the duo in a tight hug. "I love you too (y/n)... And... I love you Virgil.. I'm wøñdërfûlly sorry that I-." The emo had been caught him off guard with a soft kiss before hugging (y/n) even tighter, kissing their forehead. "So... We all love eachother... What can we do for this? We can't all be together.. you're both light sides." Deceit began.

"It's stupid. Light sides, dark sides, who bloody cares. We're all good, we're all bad. I couldn't give a damn what you two are. I still love you both." (Y/n) hissed as they sank down to Thomas. He was slightly suprised as he had started recording. "Thomas... We need to talk." They began as Deceit and Virgil appeared. Holding hands behind the stern side infront of the two. That was what confused Thomas as he believed the snake and the emo hated eachother to hell and back. "What... What do we need to talk about?" He asked as he stared at them all. "Unite the light and dark sides. There's no point to us being enemies. Lying isn't always bad.

For an example, if your parents were homophobic you would lie about being straight so that you're safe.

The dark side of creativity is a brilliant thing. If you keep things innocent then people can't grow up, brilliant things like American McGee's Alice; Alice madness returns; the bioshock series; so many wonderful yet dark things wouldn't even exist.

Intrusive thoughts.. they sometimes work with Logic. There's a thing called 'the call of the void' everyone has it but it's much more powerful when those have intrusive thoughts. Say you're stood at the top of la tour Eiffel, or the Eiffel tower if you prefer, a part of your brain, the intrusive side gives a small idea, say to jump off of the tower, the logical part swells this up as it's the most powerful decision.

Logic? Well.. take Jeffery Dahmer-" at the mention of the serial killer Virgil and Thomas shuddered while Deceit snickered. "As I was saying... Jeffrey Dahmer was surprisingly logical, especially as a child. At a young age he asked his father what happened to bones if you put them in bleach and he was shown, with chicken bones may I just say, that bleach works as a preservative.

The 'good' creativity and morals? Well... Everyone needs to grow up. So... Uh... Please?" (Y/n) finished nervously. It was silent, an awkward silence but it ended quickly. Thomas agreed. And all was... As well as it could be.

Virgil and Deceit would still argue although it was very rare now; the twins would always play fight (although it did get out of hand once or twice) but it was still good. And everyone was happy.


I'm so sorry that this is A) really bad, and B) took so long to make!

I've been kinda stressed recently and stayed off here for a bit but I'm back! The next one-shot is going to be with Remus but I'm sure it'll be good! (At least I hope)

Thanks for reading and I'm sorry if this isn't exactly how you imagined Doc.


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