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I closed the door behind me and weakly heaved a breath. i stared at the wall in front of me and walked slowly with tears in my eyes.

all i do is cry, i hate it.

i wiped it and quickly went out the hospital, still processing everything slowly, so that this heart could take it and not burst.

the child that i have been longing has been spending time with me and i didn't even know.

the warmth i felt for her, it was all by blood. not because she's just a another adorable patient.

but because she's my daughter.

i don't think i'll be able to even sleep tonight.

why am i not happy that i have now my daughter? now i know that she's been living well and did my part as her mother to give her what she needed? why am i crying to the all of things i should've known?

is it because i chose to abandon her when i had a choice not to?

i sighed and started driving until my phone buzzed, i opened the message, not expecting it from the person i haven't been in contact since years. i carefully parked my car to the side and read the message.

' from: hyeri

hi y/n! i know you're back now, can we meet later? we have so much to catch up! '

i sighed and remembered all the things jin told me, having a second thought of meeting her.

but after all, she's my best friend. i guess.

i replied and not long after, she sent me the meeting place, which is her house. i wondered if jin's going to be there.

i went home with my mind occupied, i showered and waited for the time to pass so i could meet hyeri.

is she okay now?

i looked at the aquarium beside my sofa, stood up immediately when i noticed my gold fishes aren't there. i panicked and looked everywhere the house, even in the toilet but i just couldn't find them.

i was so close to crying again when my phone buzzed twice and i looked at the two messages from two different people, both occupying my mind right now. i opened the one from seokjin first.

'from seokjin:

where are you?'

then i opened the message from him,

' from mister park:

can we meet later? '

i turned off my phone and stood up, grabbed my key and went to my car, starting the engine while looking ahead the road, analyzing the familiar street around me. there's nothing that has changed to this subdivision after all, still the same old peaceful one.

when i arrived in front of their house, i quickly went out my car and knocked on their front door, noticing the sign board which says, "kim couple" pasted on their door back then is now gone.

i got shocked when the door suddenly opened, revealing a deep eyed hyeri, she looked like she aged so much.

i felt sorry for her.

"oh my god! y/n!" she hugged me and i hugged her back, "come in!"

we went inside and she locked the door, including their double lock. i looked around and noticed seokjin isn't here. i couldn't hide the disgust in my face when i smelled that horrible aroma. it looks like she's cooking something but burnt.

『 baby contract  + pjm 』COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now