Mary x Michiko

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AaaaAAaA not a love-love thingy. More like..... friends stuff but I love the concept of them being friends AAaaaAaaaA.


All the hunters in the manor patiently waited at the front door. Some are excited for the new hunter... some of them doesn't even care. Like Spiderman... err Spiderwoman? She thinks she's the prettiest in the room.

The doorbell buzzed and Jack opens it, slowly revealing a pretty woman in a red dress. Her eyes are also black, as black as my coffee.

Joseph was stunned, his blue eyes staring at her black ones.
(ChEaTinG oN aEsoP, eH?)

The woman shyly entered, her hips swaying elegantly every step. She smiled at them "Greetings, I'm Mary, sent by the host as a new hunter" she gleefully said, with those closed-eyes smile.

"O-Oh, Do come in." Michiko said scooting beside Jack to make a way for her.

They all gathered in the dining-room as they talked about the new hunter's identity and skills.

They introduced themselves one by one
including the survivors.

And Michiko being the loving momma, led some survivors in their Manor to tell them what they should be aware of when playing with her.

Everyone joined the welcoming party for the new hunter. Well except for Joker and Lizard man boy Luchino? (Right?) who were talking in the Living room. Ah, also Joseph and the Wu Chang brothers are having an intense sword/umbrella fight.

It was then time for the survivors to leave, they might've gotten caught by the host so Michiko gave her a tour of the Manor instead.

"So are on the second floor, you're room's next to mine and Yidhra, alright?" Michiko asked and Mary gave her a nod in return.

They went back to the living room and told each other stories about stuff that happens in the manors. Actually izz just Momma Geisha telling the stories cuz y'know.

"Ooh! There's also one time when I was having a tea with Jack here, then we heard a loud crash from upstairs and someone said 'J-Joseph~' then we stared at each oth-" Michiko was cut off when Joseph threw her toy sword to the twins and stomped off to them.

"C-Can you not tell anyone about that?"
Joseph said angrily but obviously blushing.

Michiko was smiling sweetly with her eyes closed and Mary just sat there with a confused 'OwO' face.

"J-JoSepHHhH~" Jack mimicked him and laughing, Michiko also joining him.

French boi just stood there with his arms crossed when he was pulled by Wu Chang boys.

"Awww~ Come on, Joe. Cheer up!" White said booping his nose.
"Let's go play somewhere else~" Black said pulling him away with White following behind them.

(Is he uke or seme idk)

It was then night time and both of them made their way to their rooms.
Mary was about to open the door when-

"Ah, Mary. I forgot to tell you something." Michiko said.

"There are diaries for each of us where we have to write down what happens on each day you stay here, alright? If you don't write something, you're probably gonna get punished. Mhmm?"
Michiko said smiling and opening her bedroom door.

"Good night" Mary said and she got one back in return. Already tired and sleepy, she changed to her pjs (Lol dazz lit imma draw her in pjs) and jumped on the bed. Literally forgetting about the diary.

UwU, short as fucc. I'm sorryyyyy
I'm so sleepyyyyy. ALSO AINT EDITED IGHT.

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