Jack x Naibuuuu (ScHmUT)

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I have nothing to say. :>


Naib sat at a bench outside. Enjoying how everything was dead. The plants, the trees and the soil is dry as fucc. The sky looks a little cloudy and dark but he didn't care. He just wants to get out of this place. He thought joining and having a reward would be nice but it didn't. Well actually it was pretty nice to have friends and oh god, Jack.

He blushed and begin to think of something else, 'Man, that is so gay of you...' he scolded himself as he stood up and walk to the large gate of their manor. He's tried to actually climb it but he got electrified and fell on the dirt. He puts his hand on the bars and shakes it, mumbling a "Let me out...". (LET ME IIIIIINNNNNN!)

A cold and wet raindrop fell on his nose. He looked up as the rain get stronger every second, making that soft tapping sound on the roof. 'Shit...' He begins to run to the front door, his hair slightly damp from the rain. He looked all wet (hehehehehe) and cold.

He stomped to the living room and he immediately got everyon's attention. "What in the fuck are you doing outside?" Norton asked, looking at the shivering boy about to sit down on the couch beside him. Naib just shrugged at him with a nasty glare. "As if you care..." he mumbled out.

"Go change or something. You're gonna  catch a cold." Emily gave him a comforting smile. Suddenly, Jack walks in humming a song but gasped when he looked at Naib.

"Oh, dear. What happened?" Interrupted, walking to him with a worried look on his face. "I... it's raining and..." Naib didn't finish his sentence as Jack sighed and began to walk away. "I'll get you a towel... and hot cocoa." (MMmMMmM) Naib just nodded and huffed, confused as to why is Jack acting like a dadd- father to him.

He sit still and waited for Jack so he just listened to everyone's conversation. Jack returned with a towel that hanged on his shoulder and the cup of hot cocoa on the other hand. "Here, drink this first." He handed him the cup as he began drinking. Jack drapes the towel on Naib's back and pulling him up. Jack motioned to follow him so he stood up and follow him to the halls.

Jack opened the door to Naib's room, and literally pushed him inside. Naib finished his cup and placed it on the desk beside his bed. He then starts to take some other clothes from his closet, which was the same design as always.

He heard Jack mumble something before he sat on the bed. "Go change..." He ordered Naib as he sat still in front of him. Naib stood up and headed to the bathroom along with his clothes. "Wait no- stop!" Jack stopped him.
"Hm?" He turned around with a confused expression.

"You can change here..." Jack muttered, enough for Naib to hear. Our bby boi blushed, feeling flustered from the tone of Jack's voice. (👀) It was hot and alluring. "C-Can you go out then...?" As he was saying that, Jack adjusted his mask to the top right of his head. Showing him his half-lidded eyes as he slowly shakes his head no.

Naib nodded and followed his order, though he turned around to do so. His actions received a loud 'tsk' from Jack which made him gulp and his knees shake a little. 'Gooood, why am I like this?' He turned around, his face felt hotter than ever.

"U-Uhh... How about I shower first...? A-And I'll come back here e-eheh..." He stuttered as Jack just stared at him. "Fine. Go on then." Jack growled, getting up and living the room.

Naibu bby let out a sigh of relief. Ehh kinda. I mean he needs to 'relieve' himself cuz y'know. I need a way to let em fucccc. Anyway, he headed to the shower and placed the towel on the sink. Making his way to the tub and turning the hot water on. He watched as the tub get full, ignoring his weird imagination after he just felt himself twitch. (Jfc) He stepped in the tub and let the hot water engulf him.

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