Joseph x Aesop

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They didn't said it'd be smut soooo uwu.

I've been too much of a sinner qwq sorry, you poor innocent souls. Let's stop too much smut shall we? (Next story is ElixHastur smu-)


"Ah! fUCK!" Naib yelped as he grasped his aching foot. "What was that for?" He... hissed angrily at William who stepped on his foot. "Don't act like you don't know why I did that-"
And they kept blabbering. That's what Aesop always walks out to. That's kind of his alarm? Each morning.

He just walks passed them so he wouldn't get dragged in their silly, childish, immature shouting. What I mean by those is they act like kids while arguing with the 'blah blah blah' and 'I can't hear you lalalalala' stuff.

"Dumbasses..." He muttered, his mask muffling his words. He's lucky enough to not get pulled into their fight so he skipped away. The walk down the hall was calm, not until he heard footsteps coming towards him.

"Aesop! Aesop! Wait for me!" Eli called for him from the other end of the hall. The boy in a dress (lmaoo) ran to him, breathing in deeply and quickly exhaling. "Let's go for breakfast together, hm?" Eli asks which he just nodded in return.

As they approached near the kitchen, various sounds can be heard; such as plates and glasses being thrown, the sound of crashing frying pans and constant yelling accompanied with a loud thud on the floor. You can also hear a 'mY HUSBAND'S COMING. HAND ME THE SPATULA.' This manor is so chaotic.

Upon arriving right in front of the kitchen, they both pushed the doors open and Eli coughed after inhaling smoke. They just stood there and witnessed the burning pancakes, a butter that sticked to the ceiling, Robbie crying on the corner, Mama Geisha on the floor, and a proud frenchman holding a spatula and wearing an apron that reads:
'I wanna cry.'

"When were hunters allowed to be in our mansion?" Eli asked Aesop. He just shrugged and they both went in as if everything's fine. They sat at the farthest chairs in the table and waited for the others. "Aesop, dear. Would you want some of my pancakes?" Joseph suddenly asked, that made Eli shook and hold on his chest.

Joseph then put on a 'show' (Aesop wasn't watching...), flipping the burnt pancakes high, higher, and higher... ah, it sticked on the ceiling as well. He let out an awkward chuckle, though fortunately Aesop wasn't watching.
"What... am I looking at?" Eli whispered.

"A-Ah, I'll prepare another breakfast for you, mon chérie." He then took a bowl, adds the fruity loops and pours milk on it. He placed the bowl in front of Aesop, putting a toy story spoon on top of it. "Eat up! And please, as much as you look good in your mask, you should take it off." He said and sits next to Aesop. I mean, glaring at Eli until he stood up and sit on another chair. Wah, I mean... Eli can see, right? Ugh, this is so confusing.

"U-Uhm, Aesop. I'm gonna head out... eheh.." Eli then scurries out of the door after getting threatening glares from the hunter. The Geisha tsk'ed at Joseph which earned her an eye roll.

"Now, now. Eat, darling~. You can't have matches with an empty stomach." Joseph calmly said but Aesop was still quite. He was just staring at the bowl, unmoving. His emotions are also hard to read, after all, he's timid and doesn't want attention.

After minutes of waiting for an answer, the hunter sighed and burrowed his face on his palms, his elbows sat on the table. "I still don't know why you won't talk to me..." He spoke but his palms muffled his voice, the words still understandable though. His hands swept from his face, to his hair and to his nape. He tidied his hair to not look a lil stressed and let his curls bounce near his ears.

"You don't have to do this to me..." Aesop's voice made the hunter look at him. "You don't need to impress me at all..." He added. That made the hunter's face soften as a small smile appeared on his face. "Your presence is enough..." Aesop muttered, FINALLY looking at Joseph and tugging his mask down to his chin to give him a smile.
'hE RARELY SMILES. HOLY FUCK HOLY FUC HOLY FU- DOES THAT MEAN I'M SPECIAL?!?!' The french man thought as his heart went doki doki after the soft boy in front of him.

(Our municipal is under quarantine from Coronavirus y'all qwq. Wtf-)

Aesop starts eating the cereal that made Joseph even happier. He's so happy that he thinks he might be a friendly hunter the whole day! I wish alls- "And don't try to make pancakes. Ever. Again." Aesop ranted. "Sorry about that, chéri. I only know french cuisine is all."
"Wh- You don't know any kind of 'cuisine' at all..." Aesop sassed as he took another spoon of the cereal. His kind of cuisine. "Cereal is soup, shut up." Joseph laughed at his joke, Aesop laughing along, sounding like 'eheheh' cuz the spoon is still in his mouth. *sigh* no, it does not sound like sans' voice. The spoon made him gag as he immediately spat it out, coughing with tears in his eyes. "Oh my, darling. Are you o-okay?" Joseph asked, patting his back in circles though Aesop continue to laugh in between his coughs. cORONA-

"My, what a bad gag reflex..." Joseph muttered to himself, though audible enough for Aesop to hear that kinda shocked him. "W-What was that?" The survivor asked, still trying to contain his laughter. "Nothing, nothingg~" Joseph sang as he watched Aesop finally finished his bowl of soup.

"Will you be joining any matches today?" Joseph asked as he played with his hair, twiddling it around his finger. He may look like he's flirting but eh.
Aesop shrugged, "I don't know... do you want me to?" He asked, looking up at french man dude boy. "Hmm... I'm not sure but I'm sure that I want cuddles." Joseph's smile grew as Aesop spreads his (legs-) arms, wanting hugs too.

"Not here, dearest. Let's go to my room, shall we?" Yes, it's morning and they're going back in a room. What's ur problem. And with that, they stood up and headed out the door.
"Since when were hunters allowed here?"
"Hmm... we kinda forced our way in here."
"But we're also allowed in your manor, right?"
Joseph nodded and hummed as they proceeded on their path to his room, continuing on they're conversation.

Let's just say that around 9:00 in the morning, people woke up from the sound of loud moaning. And no, it isn't from Aesop... ooOoOoOoH spooky.


Yo btw, I'm prolly gon die soon. Brb when I can idk

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