Tracy x Male! Reader

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Lmao. Imma enjoy writing this one. Also imma make the reader a hunter YayYyYy <3333


"Hey, can you give me my salad?"
(That's one way to start a story) Black ordered you. "A-Ah, alright wait a second." You said, giving Joker the coffee he asked earlier.

It's been 2 days since you came in this manor. The idiot brothers keeps on ordering you around, and as a newbie, you followed showing respect.

You then proceeded on taking Black's salad which sat on the counter, WHICH WAS THREE FEET AWAY FROM HIM. You also wore an apron, as they told you to cook earlier.

Your stomach grumbled, 'Ah shit, I haven't eaten.' You sat on a chair, wiping the sweat on your forehead.

"Hey." Joker called on you, your gaze darting on him. 'Ah, are they finally gonna give me some of the foo-' "Massage my back, will you?" He said pointing on his back.

You sighed, standing up and approaching him when Michiko walked in. "Who's gonna join in the match? Joseph and Jack said they're busy with something- someone." She just smiled looking at us.

They didn't hear him as they continued what they were doing. By that I mean, the brothers were kicking each other from under the table. You were sweating, not wanting to be chosen.

"Anyone?" That seemed to get their attention."Oh- Uhh, how about (Y/N)?" Black answered as they continued on kicking each other. 'HOLY SHIT, I DON'T EVEN KNOW MY SKILLS.'
You slowly looked at Michiko, a bright smile crept up on her face.

"Alright! This is gonna be your first match! Ah, I'm gonna watch!" Michiko giggled, walking out and leaving you with these idiots.

'Why... whyyyyyy?!?!' You thought, standing up and following Michiko to the waiting area. She gave you a thumbs up before leaving.

'Gaaaaah- what even is this?!?!? What's my persona? What should be my ability-' You were cut off from your thoughts as Survivors starts to walk in.

There was a girl with a stick, probably blind. 'Is that stick her weapon?'
Then there's a guy with two teeth out of his mouth. 'He looks like a beaver.' Then another girl with horns. 'She looks... e v i l.'

And then another walked in. You let out a small gasp, admiring her looks.
'She looks pretty smart...' You stared at her, not realising the game almost started as it all transported you to the 'Leo's Memory' map.

You nervously breathed, trying to calm yo self. 'I don't even know my goddamn skills' You let out a long sigh.

You slowly walked to the nearest cipher looking like: •_________• and shaking it's pole awkwardly. 'What in the he-' You threw a snow ball at the log, wondering if it's your skill.

'Holy shiiiiit I'm Elsa!' You thought, checking your hands out in awe. Startled by a loud whirring, you jumped a little and noticed a black mark near the left side, following it as it slowly faded.

Finally, excited to meet survivors as you were new, you took a peak from the wall noticing a.... robot? 'But there wasn't a robot in the waiting area earlier...' You approached it and threw your mighty snowballs at it as it stopped and got zapped by the cipher.
'Oh nooooooo....' You're chance to get at least one friend was blown up.

Not until it waved at you... 'weird...'
You heard rustling from the other wall beside you, as well as a chest was being opened. You were confused as the robot just stood there, when suddenly-

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