Platonic! Naib x Robbie

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I'm high.

Ah, also I have found out that the platonic thing means like... sibling-like stuff, yeh :v

Michiko was talking with Mary as Robbie sat on her lap, raising his feet up and down because of boredom.

"Psssst" He heard something but ignored it and sighed. "PSSSSSSST" He heard it again and turned to look at the direction.

Naib was waving his hands outside from the window making. 'How was he able to go to the Hunter's manor?' He asked and on instant, tugged on Michiko's sleeves getting her attention.

"Oh? You want to get down?" She asked. Robbie nods as Michiko let go of him,sliding down and taking his axe with him. Michiko gave him a smile and he waves his hands running to the front door.

He opens the door and slowly gets out as to not get any attention from the other Hunters. Slowly closing the door-
"RAAAAAAAAAAWR!" Naib startled him as he shuts the door with a loud thud and him shrieking.

"Oh gosh, you should've seen how you reacted-" Naib laughs it off as Robbie angrily thumps on the floor with his arms crossed. Robbie raises his axe as Naib starts running while still laughing.

They chased around until they've reached the Survivor's manor, opening the door and knocking everything out in the living room.

"ROBBIE STAWP-" Naib yelled, making Robbie stop. Naib plopped on the couch, breathing heavily from all the running.

Robbie tugged on his shirt. "Hm?" Naib looked down at him confused. Robbie then raised a candy wrapper, waving it on Naib's face asking for more candies.

Naib sighed, "You know we can't get out of the Manor again, right? If The Host caught us we'll get banned." He whispered to him making poor lil Robbie boi sad :<. He just nods and sat next to him looking down at his hands.

It took like... minutes when Naib had an idea. "You know what? Frick it, let's go shoOoOoPpiNgGgG~" Naib stood up shushing Robbie as they made their way to the back door.

They went to the garden and to that secret hole on the wall, hidden behind the bush. Naib destroyed that wall. (Face palm)

Naib crawled out, pulling Robbie out as well so it can be a lot easier. Robbie raised his hands, asking for a piggy-back ride. Naib chuckled, "Fine, fine.... I swear if we get in trouble for this, I'll sue you." Robbie then giggled as Naib carried him on his back.

They then snuck out, walking to the 7/11 nearby. (LMAO) "You're pretty light... Acutally no, you are light. Have you been eati-" He stopped when he heard sniffling from behind him.
He looked at Robbie, still walking on the sidewalk. People are looking weirdly at them.

"Oh no- Have you been eating?" Naib asked him, his voice so sweet and gentle. Robbie shook his head, still crying as he buried his face on his back.

They reached the 7/11 and Naib immediately puts him down on a chair.
"Hey, hey, hey. Don't cry... I'm sorry, why aren't you eating? Aren't they feeding you?" Naib asked worriedly as Robbie shook his head.

Naib sighed, "M-Momma's always busy... a-and Black always take my food ..." Robbie murmured through his sniffling and tears.

"How about daddy?" Naib asked implying to Jack. Everyone thinks
Naib called him that regularly since he was like a father to Robbie, but nah. Y'know what I'm talkin bout~ *wink wonk*

"He's always away... He's not around our manor sometimes..." Robbie sniffed again. Naib reddened, regretting why he asked that.

"Well, let's buy food shall we? Though I only have uhhh...." Naib checks on his pockets. "10 dollars... Well let's goooo!"
They then skiddadled to the food area thing. (XDDDD)

Picking some foods... ehem... cheap ones, oh and a banana. They then decided to pay for them, walking to the candies and chocolates isle but stopped when Robbie tugged on his hood.

"Yeah?" Naib asked, rechecking the price and calculating them over and over again.

Robbie lifted a handful of candies. "This-
" "No, I'm sorry."
"WE'RE BROKE." Naib accidentally yelled at him, making the lil boii a lil bit sad. :<<<.

"Oh gosh I'm sorry, it's just- the money isn't enough. Next time we're gonna buy a whole pack of chocolates. How does that sound?" Robbie then lit up and nodded, expecting this... next time.

They then paid for the foods, Naib secretly slipping a banana and candy in his pants pocket, giggling to himself.
They ran out of 7/11 when the cashier found out what they've been doing.

Then they snuck in again in the manor, not making any noise and starting on eating together. Well Naib just ate bananas, leaving the other foods for Robbie. (awww <333 hoping my sister's like that-)

When it was time for Robbie to sleep, Naib walked him to the Hunter's manor, kissing him on the forehead. "Nighty night." He said walking away and waving at him.

(Lmao) That was nice :3 Hoping my siblings are that nice. Wish I haven't been starving for 3 days.

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