Wu Chang x Joseph (smuuut ;})

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Okay first of all, I know you guys wouldn't want two dicks in one hole (or perhaps.... *wink wonk*)
A a aa a aaa aa anyway, Merry Crisis, Merry Chrysler everyone.

Anyone wanna play Idv with me? Im in the Asian server, if you want you can comment or smth
ómò i Am nOoB thO.

Oh btw postman looks hot as fuuuuuck! ~~~~~
I'd smash.

Edit: wtf it took so long to goddamn update im horrible. Btw its only White bcoz I loaf himm

Edit rn: Oh look an update qwq

Joseph's match with the survivors just finished. Since it's free Joseph day, he felt tired from all the playing and headed straight (gAy) to the living room to take a break. A glass pitcher with fresh lemonade sat on the coffee table along with cups. It was about 11:40 pm when all te matches stopped since they're choosing the next free hunter.

He decided to sit down beside the Chungus bros and poured himself a drink. "Tiring day, isn't it?" Black asked him. Joseph just nodded in return, taking huge gulps of lemonade. Black watched him drink, he watched as Joseph's adam's apple go up and down ever so slightly. (Weird as fu-) He couldn't help himself as a sweat trickled down from Joseph's jawline and down his neck making him gulp.

"Want me to 'cheer' you up-"
"B R U H! I MADE COOKIES!" White happily sang as he entered the living room carrying a tray of cookies. Robbie immediately ran in and took a couple before he ran out again and gave Naib some. Joseph took one and it was quite hot making him let go of it accidentally. He hissed as he felt the slight burn on his fingers before he looked up at White who watched him seemingly waiting for a comment about his baking.

"Well go on! Wouldn't want to waste that one would you?"  White asked, raising a brow at him. "Oh, it was a lil hot so I'll just wait for it to cool down." Joseph smiled at him and mumbled a little 'thanks' at white. "I can blow it for you. Modern problems require modern solutio-" "No no no, really, It's fine. No need to be a mom about it." Joseph jokes as he cuts him off.
"Oh, I'll be a daddy then." White whispered.

It was a long silence until Mary entered the room. "8v2, Leo says you're up Joseph. Oh, and the Chinese idiots too." Mary then plopped down on the couch across his. "wHAT?! I LITERALLY JUST PLAYED 12 MATCHES STRAIGHT (gay)" Joseph argued while stomping his right foot.
"Eh, It's not my fault or anything." Mary answered and yawned.
"You can switch with me if you wan-"
"Fuck no. I'll sleep." And with that, Mary turned around making Joseph groan. "Well fuck you, Antoinette." Joseph sassed back at her.

(P.S. this is my story I can do wHAT I WAAAAANT)

He stood up and marched to the matching room. He sat on the right chair as he watched survivors get in.
White came in next and sat down on the other chair, he also gave Joseph a wave and those closed eyed smile which Joseph just completely ignored.
The game finally started as they all were sent to different places.

The map was Moonlit River Park making it easier since he knows this map too well. Him and Claude used to go and play around here... but that doesn't matter. All he needs to do is to eliminate everyone.

Walking to the nearest cipher with his Tinnitus skill activated, he immediately saw some survivors decoding it. They start running after their hearts starts to beat. With Joseph's long sword, he hit the Lawyer making him scramble away grasping his probably bleeding arm. Freddy went around the wall as Tracy starts bandaging him up, Joseph then went around to hit Freddy making him incapacitated as Tracy tried to vault on the window but unfortunately got hit making her terror shocked.

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