Joseph x Little! Aesop

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Why the hell is the Little thing being requested a lot lmao.

Request more btw... love you all
:3 yayYyYyyY someone loves you!



Ah, yes. They're having quite a party at both manors as for a new season. Actually, they're all in the Survivor's Manor. All drinkin and showing off skins and stuff. Loud laughter can be heard at the living room, everyone's in a circle drinking and telling embarrassing stories about each other.

Well Momma Geisha's probably in her room now, as well as Robbie because this bb is a minor gois. Some are pretty sober except for William who has a bucket on his head, we also have Kreacher dangling on the chandelier and Lucky guy dressed in his Maid outfit.

"Any of you up for truth or dare?" Joseph asked after just chugging a whole Vodka. Everyone agreed to play, except for the one that passed out. Joseph spinner the bottle as it landed on Black Chang (UwU). "Alright, who's hotter between you and your brother?" Joseph asks. "Me-" "We both thin as hell." White Chang cuts Black off.

Black spinner it and It lands on Emily, "Truth or dare?" "Dare!" Emily giggled.
"Alright, buy me a bag of candies-" "But you'll have diabetes-" "It's fine." Black looked down at his lap, smiling but close to crying and whispers "God I wanna die."

Emily then spins it and it lands on Joseph, "Truth or dare?" Emily asks.
"Truth" "Wow what a coward- alright... tell us where you keep you lube?" Everyone laughed at Emily's question.

"At Aesop's drawer, duh." Some ooh's and aah's can be heard from the others. Joseph took the bottle and spins it and it stop in front of Aesop who was blushing and covering his face.

"This would be interesting..." Joseph shrugged, "Truth or dare, Amour?" Joseph asked him mouthing a 'dare' which in return, Aesop relied "Dare." And looks away.

"Good boy!" He chuckled, "I dare you to-" "GUYS GUYS, I FOUND THAT ONE CAKE I ATE BEFORE I TURNED INTO A KID!" Naib's voiced boomed out after he just kicked the doors open.

"Ah, good idea!" Joseph smiled taking the plate out of Naib's hands and giving it to Aesop. "I dare you to eat that." He smiled. "But I've been turned into a kid too befor-" Joseph gives him a look, so he just took the plate and ate the cake with the fork, duh. Only Naib ears it with hands.

He took his last bites and gave the plate back to Naib. 'Gosh this is so humiliating.' Everyone watched him and what will happen next.

Aesop stood up feeling dizzy, his legs feeling wobbly. He took a step then falls, shrinking as he felt his clothes get larger than him.

Everyone just watched as he stood up the end of his sleeves dangling off as he pointed at Joseph. "Fucking bitch." A small voice said making everyone watch in awe.

Joseph was teary-eyed and hugged Aesop. "So... so cute I'm-" he sniffled. He placed him on his lap as they proceed on playing.

(Why can I imagine Nezuko tf)

Aesop's stomach grumbled making everyone stop and look at him. Joseph looked down at him, "We've been partying for hours and you haven't eaten?" He sighs and stood up carrying him on his shoulder.

"Dude where you going? We're playing." White asked. Joseph sniffled "I-I'm gonna babysit him" He proudly said walking to the kitchen and placing Aesop on the counter as he watched him.

Joseph walked to the fridge and checked out food. "Alright, how about some milk- No.... he's not a baby and-" He smells the milk and makes that vomiting gesture. "Nope." He makes the 'p' a popping sound and throws the carton away.

"Ooh, how about a banana- do you want a banana?" He looks behind him and sees Aesop carrying a knife. "Hey hey hey, put that down!" Joseph approaches him and taking the knife away and pats Aesop's hand.

"Dude, I'm not a kid." He says in a 'child's' voice. "Yeah, sure you aren't."
Joseph sighs, "I'm just gonna go make a grilled cheese, you stay still or I'll spank you" (lmao yas) Joseph glared at him and took out the loaf and prepared the stuff putting it in the toaster.

He then turned around to get some drinks and- "DON'T STICK THE FORK IN THE TOASTER, GEEZ" Joseph runs as fast as he can taking the fork away and throwing it. He gave Aesop and annoyed look and he just shrugs.

"Now you'll sit here as we wait, cause you're being a kid." He puts him on his lap and hugged his waist from behind. Aesop then began to twiddle and play with his fingers out of boredom apparently.

"How long can you last like that?" Joseph asked him with his left eyebrow raised. "I don't know." Aesop said cutely that makes Joseph wanna squish his cheeks.

"Awwweeee~ you're adorable!" Joseph UwU'd at him (nEw wOrD gUys) whilst Aesop just gave him a wtf face.

The toast were done and Joseph starts to prepare them, Aesop still on his lap sipping on a box of strawberry juice. (Lmao I love those)

"Eat." Joseph said and smiled at him, earning a smile back and they ate together as the loud screeching and bottles breaking filled the background of their calm moments.

"You wanna have the last one?" Joseph asked him holding the grilled cheese sandwich as Aesop just answered with a burp and shakes his head no.

Joseph shrugs and eats it as Aesop sips his remaining drink. As Aesop was already full, Joseph carried him on his shoulder as Aesop gripped on Joseph's fine, smooooth hair.

They made their way to the living room. Some of them are passed out... it's also weird as to why Lucky and White are playing rock, paper, scissors. Tracy and Martha are drawing on Vera's face with a marker. Uhmmm they saw Jack carrying Naib.... up the stairs? Oh and Black is trying to get pass through Priestess' portal. Wow, what a bird brain.

They stole another one of Robbie's milk carton and made Aesop drink it as he slowly grow to his usual size. He chuckles and hugs Joseph, "You're such a mom." "Such a daddy you mea- Ow!" Aesop pinched him to make him stop talking.

They went upstairs to their rooms when Joseph gasped, "Oh noooo, I didn't get a picture of you while you were still little I-" he was so qwq'ed (lmao wtf) "Just go to your fucking bedroom, It's 2:00 in the morning-" Aesop was about to go to the other direction as for their Manor.

Suddenly there was a loud "F-Faster..."


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