Naib x Aesopppp

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Not a smut either~ :T


"Naiiiiib~" William sang as he entered Naib's room. More like barged in tho.
"YOU ARE NOT GONNA BELIEVE THIS!" William shouted as Naib instantly sprang up and rubbed his eyes. "The hell do you want at this time of the night?" He asked, also looking at his bedside table to see the clock striking '3:00 am'. Naib groaned and plopped down yet again, and listened to William's shit instead.

"EVERY ODD NUMBERS HAS THE LETTER 'E' IN IT!" He said junping up and down, like if it was something so important that you need to wake someone up. Naib stared at him with disbelief and took in a deep breath.
"'s 3aM IN THE MORNING." He shouted loud enough for the whole manor to hear. William chuckles and looked at him with mischief in his eyes.
"tHREE-" "GET THE FUCK OUT!" Naib shouted again making William scramble out of his room.

The sleep is technically out of him from all the yelling. He groaned out and sat up, pulling the covers off of him. 'Where should I head to?' He pondered, standing up and stepping on his slippers before wearing it.

He stepped out his room and headed straight to the hall to observe the others room. He decided to go to the kitchen and well... drink some milk cus yeh. Arriving at the kitchen, Naib headed straight to the refrigerator and took out the milk carton, pouring himself a nice glass of milk. He can still hear William's loud voice making his eyes squint.

Naib went to the living room and sat on the couch enjoying the piece and darkness the room gave him. Since the couch has a lot of space, he lifted up his legs and placed it straight on the table as he leaned back. He take small sips of his milk as he stared at the top of the two stairs that meet at the middle. There was  at least enough light from the moon to illuminate any form that passes through the halls... but it's 3 am so lets not think of that.

He can feel his eyelids get heavier every minute and that made him a lil happy. He was about to take his last gulp of his milk until he saw a little silhouette of a man. (scaramouch scaramouch would you the fandango? Thunder bolts and lighting very very-) That made him spit out the remaining milk in his mouth, he covered his mouth immediately to not any noise after he noticed the silhouette walked down the stairs.

Each step made a creaking sound as our army brat get frightened and made his heart beat fast. 'Wtf? I trained hard as shit and I'm scared of whoever- whatever the fuck is this?' He thought as he slowly took of his shaking hands off of his face. "S-Show yourself!" He yelled...or croaked out though the fear that was obvious in his voice made him thought 'dammit!' .

The footsteps got closer along with his breathing that got faster, but then there was a stop. He kept his breath as he can feel his heart pounding hard against his chest. 'I am so not gonna die.' Thought Naib, keeping his cool.

"What the fu-". Aesop whispered making Naib let out a girly scream, which Aesop covered his mouth to muffle the sound because it's literally 3 in the morning. "Why are you curled up looking like you're about to tackle me?" Aesop asked him again.

Naib just glared at him and lightly punched him on the arm. "Oowww!... Should've took Joseph's camera and filmed your cowardliness." Aesop then sat beside him while Naib's arms crawled around him and coiling him in an embrace. Aesop hugged back and chuckled, "What even are you doing out here in the middle of the night?" Aesop asked after letting him go.

"How about you? What are you doing out here?" Naib asked raising a brow at him. "O-Oh uhmm I heard there's gonna be a full moon tonight so I came to check out." Aesop whispered at him, smiling at the thought of how he likes the moon so much. "And you?" Aesop asked him again. "Ah, I can't sleep so... eh." Naib shrugged at him.

Then a long period of silence surrounded them, I guess there's not a single to topic to talk about. "About the moon-" "Wanna see it!?" Aesop cuts him off with his eyes getting filled with like... stars. "Sure." Naib smiled at him as he stood up and tagged along with him.

They went up the stairs until they've reached the top floor- err Attic? They both went in and Aesop pushed the farthest window at the corner revealing a glowing full moon in front of them. They both gasped in amazement and Aesop crawled to the roof and tiptoed near the chimney. "C'mere." Aesop motioned at him to crawl up which he did.

Aesop went around the chimney and opened a box (the red one in every map) that was nicely nailed behind it and pulled out a blanket. He threw it at Naib, covering him with the sheets in which both of them laughed. "We're gonna have to sit on that." Naib followed Aesop as he laid it on the roof while Aesop continued to search some other things in his box.

He crawled back while carrying a sketchpad and a pencil case on his other hand. He sat down five feet apart from Naib cus he ain't gay and laid the sketchpad on his lap. "So you come here often huh?" Naib asked him which Aesop just nodded in return as he starts to sketch the moon.
"You go here a lot huh?" Naib asked him. "Yep." Aesop answered, popping the 'p'. (tHE WHAT)
"Can I see your drawings-" Aesop gasps when Naib was about to take a look of his sketchpad but swatted his hand away. Not a single artist wants their sketchpads to be touched... there might be some shit that isn't holy to be seen.
"Okay okay okay, chill." Naib just chuckled and sat back.

Aesop pondered while he played with the pencil. "I uhmm have other sletchpads you can look at though. Just- wait here." Aesop placed his stuff down and carefully walked to the box to take his other sketchpads. While Aesop searches, Naib thought 'Why doesn't he want me to see this one?' while he pulled the shetchpad to check out the drawings.

The first three pages are filled with moon drawings which are lit as fuck. He flipped them until he saw a drawing of a character that looked like him with hearts scattered around the page. He inspected it more, the hoodie, the elbow pads... everything fits him well.
"I got three other sketchpads- wHAAAAA I thought I told you not to check that out?!" Aesop pulled the sketch pad and looked at him with betrayal and a lil tinsy bit of anger. He be blushing though as he hugged his knees and leaned his back on the chimney and putting the sletchpad beside him.

"Was that me?..." Naib asked, poking Aesop's knee. Silence once again surrounded them as Naib kept tapping on his knee— until he heard Aesop sniff. Oh gosh is my lil grey boy crying?
"Oh no, Aesop. I'm sorryyyyy." Naib kept on begging for Aesop to forgive him.

Aesop finally went silent and took a peek on Naib which was blushing while he flipped the sketchpad pages. "STOOoOp!" Aesop tried to take the sketchpad until Naib showed a doodle of the both of them hugging.

"OooOooOoOoh~" Naib sang as he continued to flip the pages of the sketchpad until he reached a certain page with something erotic in it making him stop.

It went quiet as Naib slowly faced Aesop who was a blushing mess. "Rawr~" Naib joked as he chukle making Aesop giggle as well.

Yes my babies, Im still alive... barely. Okay so I got a new phone and unfortunately I forgot the Email and password for this account. Im dumb gtfo.
This is probs gonna be the last story. So sorryyyyyy.

S I K E. Jk I'm not gonna throw this phone away hm? But expect me to update slower I know Im slow as fuck already you can stop reading this or smth. Sorryyyyy .
I'd still update though! UwU
I got 8 y e s 8! EIGHT FUCKIN DRAFTS BECAUSE MY LAZY ASS GOT FILED UP. Ill try to have 4 stories up before Christmas.
Stop reading this ToT.

Merry Crisis.

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