Jack x Naib

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Not a smut! WoOoOoOh! XDDD
It's an extreme fluff. A lil sad?

Naib sighed as he stared at himself on the mirror. He rubbed his eyes as he ignored the dark circles underneath off it. He began to run his hands on the water and splashing it on his face so he can wash away the sleep that's taunting him.

With a loud thud, he closed the bathroom door and wore the clothes that lay on the bed. He looked at the bed's covers that are clean and perfectly soothed. It's been days since he slept, his insomnia seems to trigger him daily. (Nightly?)

He entered the kitchen that was literally loud and booming with everyone's laughter.
There's supposed to be a pic here but it won't upload :<<< sorryyyy

Emma approached Naib and handed him his stack of pancakes. "Here's yours, Kreacher almost stole them but I hid it! Here ya goooo!" She whisper-yelled at him.

He went to sit at the farthest chair, cus basically the table is long affff. He sat down and placed the plate on the table, and starts poking on the pancakes.
He literally felt like sleeping right now,
'Oh gooood.' He thought as his hand slipped making his face plant on the pancakes.

With an audible groan, he sat up straight immediately and see that everyone was looking at him with that one 'pfft' expression as the room suddenly boomed with laughter.
"What happened?" Helena asked with a confused face as to why she can hear them cackling.

Naib just rolled his eyes and started eating in a really reaaaaally slow pace while everyone continued on chatting and giggling.

"Anyone wanna join the first maaaatch?" Momma Geisha ask as she entered the kitchen, biting on a toast.
Everyone cheered and raised their hand yelling "MeEeEe!"... except for Naib. He didn't seem to show any interest for the matches. He felt the big sad crawling on his back.

He stood up after he finished and headed to the sink, placing it down because why should he wash it? It's William's schedule today. He felt long arms slither around his waist, pulling him back in a bigggg huggg.

"My, my, you seem very down today."
(ARa aRA) Everyone heard that and let out some 'HmmMmMm~' noises and some whistled. Naib ignored them as he hated the attention.
"Why is that?" Jack whispered at him... or growled? Idk man. Naib tsk'ed and washed his hands, slipping out of Jack's firm grasp that everyone seemed to notice as they let out oooo's.
"What the fuck is happening?" Helena asked while scratching her head.

Naib walked out the kitchen and headed to the balcony. Yea, he was aware that someone 'invisible' followed him yet he chose to ignore it. He shuddered when the cold wind blew past him. 'Wtf? Why so cold? It's literally 9:00 in the morning wth.' He thought. A large coat draped over his shoulder that made him jump a little.
For some reason, that made his eyes swell up and get teary eyes so he turned around and hugged Jack. Is this what you call a man period?

His emotions are confusing him as he hugged him tightly and looked up at Jack with his tears about to fall out. "Oh dear, what happened?" Jack hugged him tightly and his other hand rubbed circles on his back. "I-I don't know... I just felt the big sad and..." He croaked out, the crack in his voice can be heard.

"Oh darling..." Jack continued to whisper compliments at him and soothe him. It took like 10 minutes until Naib stopped whimpering and just completely stood still in Jack's grasp. If they were laying down I'm pretty sure Naib could've slept.

Naib suddenly jumped up and wrapped his legs around Jack's waist. On instinct, Jack cupped our boy's a s s ayyyyye.

Jack headed to the living room, Naib still clinging on him as he sat on the couch. Naib stood up straight on Jack's lap, his eyes red and puffy from all the crying. 'Men aren't supposed to cry...' that thought kept circling his mind because that's what he's learned when he joined the army.

"Oh, what happened?" Lucky spoke up in a sad tone when he noticed someone entered the living room, after all he was just laying down on the other couch. Naib seems to tensed up when he spoke, unaware that someone's in here other than them. "He had a uhmm... a little breakdown earlier- Its fine now, though." Jack smiled at Lucky, assuring him.

Lucky stood up and walked up to them and patted Naib's shoulder. "Imma leave, Hm?" Jack just nodded as Lucky finally left them all alone. HmMmNn.

"Alright, what do you want? I can do anything for you just so you can put up that cute smile of yours again." Jack chuckled and proceeded. "What? Chocolates? I can bake you a cookie! Or-or perhaps you want a hot cocoa?"
With that, Naib just shook his head no and whispered something.
"What was that? You might wanna speak up so I can hear you~" Jack teased the flustered twat.

"I-I.... kiss me." Naib whispered, looking away from him while his cheeks turned to a faint red colour.
Jack chuckled, "Why're you shy about asking that? Hm?" Jack asked and planted a peck on Naib's lips. He went for a peck again but as he was about to pull away, Naib snaked his arms on his neck and pulled him closer.

So basically it was a solid 10 seconds kiss dAMN. Jack proceeded to pepper him with small kisses on his face. Naib just giggled and took off Jack's top hat as he placed it on his head.

"Aaaaalright, what's all the noise about?" Helena asked, entering the room and looking at the other direction where they sat with a confused expression. "I CAN HEAR SMOOCHES!" Martha yelled and jumped on the other couch. Jack chuckled because the idiots are back.

"Y'all wanna know how my mom died?" Kevin asked after he just entered the room. "What the shit?" Martha looked at him with an angry confused face.
And yeah, they all talked and shit.


Sup bois.
I know you hate me~ uwu
*Martha's pew pew noises*

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