Aesop x Anxious! Reader x Joseph

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I'm the worst. Why yall reading this? :<

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It was a fun night out at the manor. It was raining! Oh, how you loved the rain. The soft tap on the windows and roofs made you calm and relaxed.

You went to sit up on the bed, quite weird how no one called you in for a match. Is there an event? Or it's just the fact that it's been raining the whole day and the maps are probably wet? What the he- You went to check on the clock that reads '7:34 pm'. You sighed and tried to get up but the cold air and the your warm bed is calling you... almost as if wanting you to sleep foreve- jk.

You've been in your room the whole day, I mean not the whole time. You eventually need to get out to eat y'know and stuff. It's also weird how you saw The Geisha in the manor earlier. YEAH, IN THE SURVIVOR'S MANOR. Wtf is it like a free-tea-time day or smth.

You finally got the strength to stand up and to not take nap again as you stretched your arms. All you do is sleep and shit. They say it's depression, you call it nap time. (ùvú fuck yea) You slipped in yo bunny slippers and walked down the corridors when you heard foot-steps approaching you.

"Sup hoooooe!" Martha called you out sounding like a gangsta and approached you, hanging his arm by your right shoulder.(lmaooo)
"Where the fuck have you been?" Tracy asked as she walked by your left side and walked along. "Oh, I don't know man. Got sleepy n shit." You shrugged as Martha finally slid his arms off.

"Why's there not a single match today? Or no one just wants to play with me...?" You asked as y'all reached the living room. "Wha?!? Gorl? What? We'd always wanna play with you!" Tracy assured you as you got finger guns from Martha. "You are queen bitch, gorl." Martha pats your shoulders making you giggle.

You all noticed the three twinks sitting by the sofa. Luckily there's a lotta couches for lotta people so you and the girls sat across them. "It's just... the host sent a letter regarding on how there's a storm coming that will probably last to 3-5 days? Nightingale also said that we might get a black/brown out (?)... I mean look at this. We're like living in an old abandoned vampire castle." Martha chattered as she stood up. "I'm gonna get foods, what you guys want?"
"My brownies, please."
"Poptarts and... tea."
And with that she left.

The twinks suddenly bursts out laughing at the game they were playing which what you heard was probably 'Never have I ever'.

"hEY! It's not like I'm gonna do it again!" Naib yelled, feeling attacked.
Eli's almost gasping for air as he continued to laugh, "You little pervert, you!" And then they continued on laughing.

You just looked at Tracy who looked confused as well. She shrugged and listened to the boys as well. "Alright, alright. Never have I ever... had a crush on someone in the 'survivor's' manor?"
That was what you overheard lmao, before the two other twinks, Naib and Aesop, began to blush. Eli just laughed at them, for the fact that his crush doesn't belong in their manor. Then they just whispered a few words or names before Martha came back.

"Bros, I have here brownies, poptarts and... milk. Sorry there aren'r anymore teabags." She went to place the tray down with all there foods until the lights shut down. The twinks started to freak out but ya can't see em so you don't know what they're doing lmao.
"Look at those pussies." Martha said, but like I just said, yA CAN'T SEE IN DA DARK so she kinda sounded dumb there.

A few of the survivors such as Emma, Emily, Lucky and Freddy went running in the Living room. "wHAAA- Can you fix this, Tracy?" Emma asked as she approached you and da gorls seats.
"Hmm.... naH." Tracy shrugged, too lazy to do all the damn electrical work here.

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