Norton x Naib (smut <3)

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SmuUuUuuT. Frick off, children.

-Benadryl Cucumbersnatch


Naib was currently tucked in the bed with his hands covering both of his ears, trying to get some sleep but he just can't. The loud banging of an object hitting the wall from downstairs over and over is getting on his nerves.

Grunting, he sits up and wore his sleeping bunny-slippers from under the bed and went to the living room, checking what the hell is happening.

"Geezus Christ almighty. Are you playing frisbee with the heckin magnet again? It's nearly 2:30 and I don't want to hear anymore banging on the wall-(me referencing the smu-)I CAN'T SLEEP" He shouts at Norton, Martha and Tracy which were throwing around magnets.... everywhere, wow, idiots.

He continued yelling out about how he can't sleep and it's ruining his beauty sleep, gosh. "Alright alright, calm down." Martha said giggling and sat on the couch leaning on the arm rest as Tracy did the same.

Tracy murmured something that Naib probably can't hear and both her and Martha giggled earning a glare from Norton.

"Shut it." He glared at Tracy throwing a magnet at her. "Whot? You mad? Wth I just made you a dozen magnets what is wrong with you-"

"Anyway, Im going back to sleep." Naib rubs his eyes walking to the stairs. Tracy remembered their plan and threw a magnet that sticked on Naib's as he walked up the stairs and to his room.

Tracy and Martha giggled, giving each other a high-five. "Wow, real mature."
Norton said hitting Tracy's head not that hard but also not that gentle.

"Now you're gonna be the one proving him that you're magnets aren't the ones gonna be banging on the wall late-"
"Shut the hell up, how about you go get it?" Norton cuts Tracy off.

"Hah nah, now you go get it. We're gonna be waiting~" Martha sang, kicking him off the sofa. Yeh, they're two huge shippers.

"Psh" Norton murmurs something and went to go up the stairs as he hears the girls giggling and chattering.

'Gosh, so annoying. Are they up to something?' He thought finally reaching up to Naib's room and knocking on the door. "Hey, Tracy kinda threw-" "Fuck off" Someone tiredly answered.

"I'm just gonna get it, why're you always so grumpy, man... people this days." He then opened the door but the magnet on Naib's back suddenly attracted the magnet Norton has which was in his pocket.

"Oh shit-" was the last thing he said when he was swooped to Naib causing him to fall on the bed face first and Norton on his back.

Loud laughter can be heard from downstairs. Norton groans "DAMMIT TRACY-" A loud sigh can be heard from under him. "Can you like get off already? I'm tired... I'm so tired I-" "I'm trying here" Norton cuts him off while he rustles around giving a little bit of effort in to getting off of him.

He was pushing a little to hard when it suddenly comes off, probably turned off by Tracy (my sly gorl) causing him to slide down to Naib's butt. Oh gosh, He noticed something  and he's wishing that he didn't notice it.

Naib's back arched slightly givinghis body a small shiver at the sight. 'God, please. PLEASE don't have a boner.'
He heard a small grunt from under the pillows. 'Holy shit did I get hard??!?!?'
(Me with my imaginary dicc)

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