Chapter I

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This story is rated 13+ if you are not comfortable with anything sex related or dirty or if you're just a homophobe then I don't recommend you read this, thank you and enjoy.

He lay on his king size bed reading a book, the boy had a handsome face, auburn hair and bright green eyes, he wore a white shirt and jeans. As he lay reading he heard loud footsteps form down the hall, and without warning his door burst open startling him, "Dad wants you!" said a the boy standing in front of him, he had the same face and hair as the other but with a fake mustache hanging from his upper lip, he was wearing a black top with jeans, the boy flattened the fake mustache and ran out the room. The boy got up from his bed and walked down the hall and into a large room with two massive thrones at the end, a man stood by the one throne, he had dark brown hair and bright green eyes, he was wearing red and gold robes with a crown on his head. The boy walked over to him, "Father, you wished to see me?" he said with the slight sence of worry in his voice, "Yes my son" said his father, "You are now sixteen and have reached the age that you must take my place as king." the boy looked at his father, he had nothing to say, "What! But, why me? What about Remus?" he asked with horror in his voice, "Remus is unfit to be king, I'm sure you can see that my boy." the boy look at his father with disbelief, "As I was saying, you will be crownd king in a matter of months but every king needs a queen, so your mother and I have sent out invitations to every kingdom including ours for any girls or princesses who will like to be given the chance to become your queen." the boy looked at his father, "Roman, you know as well as I that I cannot live out this position." the boy who's name seemd to be Roman was completely in shock, he had to marry some girl he didn't even know and was forced to become king. This was the worst day ever. "You may leave now." said his father. The boy turned but right before he took a step forward he looked back and said "What about a prince?" his father looked at him with confusion, "Exuse me?" the boy repeated himself "What about instead of marrying a princess, I marry a prince?" his father looked at him with cold eyes, "No son of mine is to marry a prince." he said with a stern voice, "But, why have a king and a queen? Why not have two kings or two queens?" Roman said, "Surely there's nothing wrong with-" he was cut off by his father "No son of mine is to marry a prince!" Roman looked at his father and then walked away, he was outraged, he can't just say stuff like that, can he? As he walked through the hall he came across the boy from earlier, "What did he say?" he asked enthusiastically, "None of your business, Remus!" Roman replied rather harshly, "Ooh, someone's angry!" said Remus and before Roman could do anything he ran down the hall and out of sight, 'I must be the most unlucky person in the world', Roman said to himself before returning to his room.

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