Chapter XXXVI

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"You sure you can take me on?" Roman's asked, "I'm pretty good." Virgil rolled his eyes, "Oh please." he said, Roman gave him a smirk before taking a swing at him, Virgil blocked it and pushed it back, "Good defense." said Roman, he earned another smirk from Virgil who stepped forward and swung from below, Roman jumped over the blade and caught it on the other side, he knocked it back and took a swing from the side, aand another block and knock back, this went on for a while, pretty intense taking swings at each other, eventually Roman decided to try to jab but was once again blocked. Roman took another swing and caught Virgil off guard, he knocked the sword out of his hands and before Virgil could get a hold of it he grabbed his wrist, unfortunately he grabbed a spot where Virgil had new and deep cuts and it reopened, Virgil clenched his teeth at the pain and the blood running from the wound, Roman must have senced something wrong because he let go of his wrist but only to have his sword knocked out of his hands and pushed onto the floor where Virgil held the sword to his neck, "I win!" he said, "Was that a fake out?" Roman asked, "I don't know what you're talking about." he said in a sarcastic voice, but in reality he was so afraid that one of the others would get suspicious, or that Roman had felt the blood through the jacket. He removed the sword and helped Roman up, "I'll go get some drinks for the rest of you guys." he said to the group sitting on the bench, "I'll come with." said Roman, "I-I um." Virgil mumbled but was too Kate to stop Roman because he had already headed to the doors, 'Now I actually have to get something to drink.' he thought to himself before following Roman out the door.

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