Chapter XXI

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Virgil snuck through the castle, he was on the first floor and didn't want to draw attention, he was heading towards the servents quarters, he knew one of the servents did drugs and was hoping to snag a few bottles. All the servents were doing something and the room was empty, Virgil crept through the sleeping quarters to one of the bathrooms, he opened the cabinet only to find a few tooth brushes and a razor, he moved to the next bathroom to find exactly the same things plus a bottle of hand sanitizer, he moved to the next bathroom to find, once again, nothing, there were only three bathrooms so he figured the servent with drugs probably kept it in the closets or under their bed. Virgil checked each closet but there was nothing but old rags and the clothes they have been instructed to wear, finally Virgil got down on his knees and checked under the beds, he was about to give up when he saw a case under one of the many closets, he pulled it out and opened it, bottles and bottles of Prescriptions and other drugs, there were even some illegal drugs, Virgil grabbed some of the prescriptions and closed the case, he slipped the case back under the closet and crept out of the room, he walked back up to his room and placed the bottles in the same drawer he kept his pocket knife, he opend one and poured three pills into his hand, he walked into the bathroom and grabbed a glass, he filled the glass with water and popped the pills into his mouth before downing them with water, he swallowed and looked at his reflection in the mirror, 'Soon.' he thought, 'Soon.'.

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