Chapter XXIII

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"Virgil! Virgil! VIRGIL!" Virgil sat up with a startled jerk, someone had been screaming his name and shaking him, he looked over to see Ashley completely in tears, her face was white from shock, she grabbed Virgil and pulled him into a tight hug, "Oh my God, don't you ever scare me like that again!" she said without letting go, "W-what happened?" Virgil asked, "I came in and found you passed out, your eyes were sort of open, they're red, Virgil pulled back and looked in the mirror on the wall, sure enough, his sclera in his eyes were a light pink colour. Virgil looked down at his bed, the prescription bottles were gone, he knew it couldn't have been Ashley, she would question him and besides, she's completely clueless, it must have been his father, he can't afford anyone finding Virgil trying to kill himself because they'll question him,"What time is it?" he asked, Ashley checked her phone, "It's ten past three." she said, Virgil looked at her again, "On Saturday." she added, Virgil looked down, "And no, your boy toy hasn't come, yet." she added, Virgil blushed but didn't say anything, he was extremely dizzy and lightheaded, "You're OK, right?" she asked, "Yeah, I'm fine." he said, she hugged him again before getting up and leaving, Virgil opened his drawer that he kept the other prescription bottles and his pocket knife, sure enough, the prescriptions he left on his bed before passing out were in the drawer,Virgil closed the drawer and looked out the window, 'I guess overdose is not the answer.' he thought to himself, 'Well I was never a boy scout but there was always one knot I could tie.'

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