Chapter L

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It had only been a few hours since the coronation, the guests had mostly left but a few had stuck around. Jayden, Remy, Ashley, Iris, Irichio, Logan, Patton and of course, Virgil, had stayed behind to congratulate the new king and couple. Roman sat idle back against the wall and Virgil sat against Roman, Roman had his arms wrapped around Virgil from behind as Virgil leaned into his touch. "Can things get any better?" Virgil asked, Roman moved his head to look Virgil in the eyes, "We can go get your stuff and move you in." Roman replied. Virgil looked longingly into Romans eyes, his eyes shone with hope, the hope anyone would feel if they were escaping a life of torture and pain, Roman leaned in and kissed gently Virgil's soft lips, Virgil kissed back feeling the warmth run through his body, they broke apart and Virgil dropped his head onto Romans chest and sighed. Roman looked around the room, Remus, Ashley, Irichio, Patton, Logan and Remy stood off to the side of the room and Jayden and Iris were making out behind a pillar. Roman quietly laughed to himself, "I can see who might be the next couple to get married." he muttered to himself, "Us first!" Virgil whined, Roman laughed and kissed Virgil's forehead, "Of course my love, us first.". Virgil rose his head and stared into Romans beautiful green eyes, "I love you." he said. He'd said it many times before but this one meant more then the other times, "I love you too." Roman replied. Virgil stood up and helped Roman to his feet, "I have a room to unpack." Virgil said, "Want help?" Roman asked taking Virgil's hand and walking away from the wall they were sitting against, they started walking out the door when Ashley called out to them, "Wait! I need to say something!" she said running up to Virgil, she stopped in front of him and pulled him into a hug, "I'm so happy for you." she whispered in his ear, Virgil felt Ashley start crying and he looked up, she had tears running down her face, "You okay?" Virgil asked, she smiled, "I'm proud of you Virgil. You have been through so much, probably more then I know of." Virgil laughed, "You have no idea." he replied. She pulled him back into a hug, "I love you little bro." Virgil hugged her back, "I love you too big sis." they pulled apart and Virgil continued to walk out with Roman. There was a carriage waiting to take them to the Kingdom of Shadows, "You ready to go?" Roman asked, before Virgil could answer they heard an all too familiar voice, "I don't think so!" Virgil froze as fear ran through his body, he turned his head to look straight at his father, "I'm sorry I'm late." Aron said in a mocking voice, he walked up to his son and stared into his eyes, "Such a shame too, I heard a certain someone got engaged." Virgil stared back at his father, eyes wide in fear. Roman grabbed Virgil's arm and pulled him away from the gaze of his father, "I'm afraid you are not welcome here." Roman said stepping in front of Virgil, "I have to ask you to leave." He narrowed his eyes and glared at the king. Aron glared back for a second but then changed to a sinister smile, "My apologies, your highness." he said in a sarcastic tone, "But I'm afraid that you can't simply wed my son without my permission." Roman narrowed his eyes more, "And I'm afraid that you no longer have custody over my fiancé, now if you'll excuse us, we'll be leaving." Roman pushed past Aron, "Like I said before, I don't think so!" Aron said, grabbing Romans arm and pushing him to the floor as well as Virgil. "What do you think you're doing?!" Roman yelled, just then the doors to the palace opened and several royal guards walked out each escorting someone from the group, "Get your hands off me!" Iris demanded struggling to break free of the grasp of the guard escorting her, Ashley noticed the presence of Aron, "Father, what's going on?" she asked, scared of the answer. "I don't care what you're planning Aron, you're under arrest for abuse!" Roman yelled, he tried to stand but is shoved down again by Aron, "You need proof to arrest someone young king." Roman, about to burst was stopped by Virgil grabbing his arm, "Roman..." Roman looked at Virgil, he wasn't looking at Aron, he was looking at the dozen guards armed with weapons, Romans eyes widened, "What is going on Aron?!" Roman demanded, "Oh, I'm so sorry this had to happen on your coronation day." Roman's eyes widened, "What are you planning?" Aron smirked, "Why, your execution of course." 

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