Chapter VIII

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Virgil pushed through the crowd holding back tears, King Colton was about to give a speech and both prince's stood up there with him, Virgil didn't care, he immediately left the palace, 'You're stupid for ever thinking he could like you!' 'Ooh the crybaby can't stand the heat?' Virgil ran through the castle and out into the cold night air, he felt like an idiot, he actually thought this night would go well. Virgil was about to walk down the steps when he felt a rush of pain go though his head, as he shut his eyes, everything was dark. When he opened his eyes he was blinded by the bright lights, his head hurt really bad but he could remember everything. Just then he heard the door open, he sat up to see Ashley walk to his bed, "Morning sleepy head." she said with a smirk on her face, "W-what happened?" Virgil asked, "Well, we decided to leave after King Colton gave his speech so we went to look for you outside because Florence said she saw you run that way and we found you passed out in the carriage." Ashley said, smirk still on her face, "You must have been very tired." Virgil felt the back of his head, it was painful, Ashley could see something was wrong, "You ok?" she asked, "Yeah." he answered, Ashley looked at him, for the first time ever she had a look on her face that said she didn't believe him but she shrugged it off, "Well, uh, when we got back I didn't want to wake you, so I asked one of the butlers to change you and..." she trailed off, Virgil thought the worst but hoped for the best, "...Why would you do that?" she asked trying to hold back tears, he immediately knew, "We need new staff." he said with a dull face, "What?" she asked very confused, "We need new staff. How can we trust the staff if the go around telling other people secrets?" he said, Ashley looked at him, tears where running down her face, "Virgil..." he got up grabbed his shoes and jacket, just before he went through the door he stopped, "I didn't fall asleep, I was knocked unconscious." he said and walked out the door leaving a stunned Ashley in tears. He put on his shoes and jacket and walked out the back of the palace, through the forest and to the abandoned library, he sat by a table and rummaged through his pocket, he didn't find what he was looking for, he stood up and went to a shelf of the left hand side of the library, he reached onto the shelf and picked up a pocket knife, he sat back down by the table and took off his jacket, rolling up his sleeves (he was wearing a long sleeve top) he looked at his arms, they were covered in cuts, some old and some new, his arms were cut so much there wasn't any space left for more cuts. Virgil took off his top, his skin was pale, he had quite a few cuts on his stomach and waist, he picked up the pocket knife and started cutting his sides, he wasn't really paying attention because his cuts were skew and different lengths and depths. After about five minutes of just cutting his sides were blood sodden, he put the knife back on the shelf and put his shirt back on, he could feel as the shirt stuck to him as the blood soaked his shirt, he put his jacket back on and got up, it would take him five minutes to get back to the palace, ten if he dawdled, so he set off back to the palace.

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