Chapter IX

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Roman walked into the main hall, his dad was sitting in his throne, he was talking to one of the Royal Guard, "Father, can I go to the Kingdom of Shadows?" he asked, he desperately wanted to see the prince he met at the ball from the night before, "Why?" the king asked suspiciously, "Uh, because I want to go visit Princess Ashley." he said with a nervous smile. His dad looked at him, "I'll get one of the guards to take you." he said and turned back to the guard he was talking to. Roman ran out the hall to his room, grabbed his jacket and ran down through the palace doors and out into the grounds, there was a carriage waiting for him, he climed inside and they set off to the Kingdom of Shadows. It took them about twenty minutes to get to the palace but once hey did he walked up to the doors, they were opend and he walked inside he walked through the entrance and up to the throne, King Aron was not sitting in it but Princess Ashley was, there was another girl sitting next to her, she was blonde, Roman recognized the girl from the night before, she was very pretty. He walked up to them, Ashley looked like she had been crying, "Hello." he said nervously, Ashley looked up, "Oh, hello." she said calmly, "If you're looking for Virgil, I he should be out in the gardens, I'll get a guard to show you where they are." she said, she looked at one of the guards and he walked over to Roman, Roman followed the guard through many passages and out into the gardens, the guard then bowed and left. The gardens were huge, tall trees with beautiful flowers, a small pond and at the back, a forest. Even though the gardens were huge, he could see Virgil wasn't there, Virgil pinned him as a guy who likes quiet so he thought that maybe he went into the forest, so Roman started walking. He knew he would get lost easily so he continued down the one path and didn't cut corners, eventually he ended up with a spit, Roman looked both ways, 'Well, right is always right, but I'm not right so, left.' he thought and continued down the left path. Eventually he ended up at a opening where to his amazement there was a large stone building in front of him, the building was old and had a huge hole in the wall and several holed in the roof. He walked up to the building but stopped in front because what he saw scared him so badly. He looked into the building to see Virgil kneeling on the ground without a shirt in holding a pocket knife that was covered in blood, his sides were covered in blood and his arms were covered in cuts, Roman watched as Virgil put his shirt back on and got up, put the knife on a shelf and left walking back down the path. Roman watched as he walked away, he was stunned, he couldn't believe it, he couldn't believe what he just saw.

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