Chapter XXIV

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Roman followed Virgil through the palace gardens and out of the grounds, they walked towards the forest, the got to the edge when Virgil stopped, he seemed to be reconsidering what he was doing, he seemed to decide on something because he kept walking forward with Roman trailing after. They walked for about ten minutes in silence, making different turns and jumping over fallen trees and logs, Roman new where they were going, he once went there looking for Voldemort (Muahaha auto correct rules), he found him cutting but Virgil didn't know. Eventually they reached the place they were headed, an old stone library, completely abandoned, Roman followed Virgil inside, Roman hadn't seen the inside, it was beautiful, the shelves aligned with books or all different sizes, the tree at the end of the library with the sun shining down on it like it's holy, the vines growing all around, its all so magical, "Wow, it's breathtaking." he said, he looked over at one of the tables, there was a blood splatter, he ignored it because he knew who's blood it was but didn't want to upset him, he watched as Virgil strode across the room ans reached for something off the shelf, he also grabbed a book to cover up for what else he took, once again, Roman knew what Virgil had taken, it was a pocket knife he kept in the Library, the day he caught Virgil cutting he had seen him put the knife on the shelf, "Are you the only person who knows about this place?" Roman asked, "Well, you do to now." he replied, he walked over to the tree and climed in it, he set himself down on one of the big sterdy branches, the branch looked capable of holding four grown men so Roman decided to climb up with him, "I've read most of the books in here, this one is one of my favorites." he said, Roman looked at the book, it was an old Fairy Tale book, unlike one Roman had ever seen, it had to have been centuries old because it wasn't even in English, "What language is that?" he asked, "It's Latin." replied Virgil, "You read Latin?" he asked, Virgil nodded his head, "I learnt when I was seven." he opened the book and turned through the pages, "Want me to read one?" he asked, "Sure." Roman replied, the both settled onto the tree branch and Virgil began reading, his voice was fluent and calming, Roman felt like he could listen to it for hours, the world of books seemed to change the boy completely, he went from a uptight, anxious and suicidal person to a free, calm and expressive artist, 'It's amazing.' he thought, 'He's amazing..'

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