Chapter II

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The news about the crowning of a new king and him needing a queen had spread about the four kingdoms, there is the Kingdom of Gold, ruled by King Colton and Queen Luryn, the Kingdom in the Clouds, ruled by King Victor and Queen Ember, the Kingdom of the Future, ruled by King Jonathan and Queen Natalie and the Kingdom of Shadows, ruled By King Aron. The kingdoms live up to their names, the Kingdom of Gold got its name because the founder of the Kingdom searched below the ground and found caves coverd in gold. The Kingdom in the Clouds got its name because the Kingdom is higher up then the rest and is in the clouds, and the kingdom is a relaxed kingdom. The Kingdom of the Future got its name because there have been rumors that the royal blood line possess the power to see the future, but other then that the kingdom looks very futuristic. And then the Kingdom of Shadows, the kingdom didn't get its name from apperence, in fact the Kingdom is the most brightest and beautiful place in the land, flowers and a huge selection of trees and rivers go all around it, animals of all sorts are friends with the people of the kingdom and all around people are friendly with each other, the kingdom got its name because of the king. The king used to be a wonderful man with a loving family, his wife, the late Queen Luna, and their beautiful daughter Princess Ashley, but then one day the queen fell pregnant with his son Prince Virgil, the king was overjoyed! He was having a son! But, on the day the prince was born his wife died. The king has never been the same since, and the kingdom was given the name, the Kingdom of Shadows. There are rumors that the King takes his anger out on his son for he thinks the son is the reason the love of his life died, but it's only a rumor, and no one thinks much of it.

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