Chapter XXV

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"Virgil, what are you doing?" Roman said, he had arrived at the palace to be told that Virgil was in his room, he climed the stairs and saw that the door was agar, so he opend it to find Virgil standing on a chair with a rope around his neck, "I-I." Virgil stared but didn't have the voice to finish, he untied the roap from his neck and climed down from the chair, Roman walked over to him, Virgil hung his head, Roman looked at the boy for moment before wrapping his arms around him, Virgils heart was beating fast, so was Roman's, they just stood there, Roman felt as Virgil cried into his shirt, Roman walked them both to the bed and sat down, "Y-you're not m-mad?" Virgil stammered, "More like frightend." Roman replied. They sat in an embrace for quite a few minutes, though it felt like hours, Roman decided to break the silence, "Virgil, what's going on?" he asked, Virgil shifted in Roman's grip, "Please.", Roman put his hand on Virgil head, right below the wound, "Roman.. I-I can't." he said, Roman moved Virgil so he could look him in the eye, "Why?" he said, "Why can't you?" Virgil looked scared and suddenly Roman was scared of the answer, "Because... Because if I do, then she dies." he said, his voice was shaky, Roman didn't even need to ask who, he already knew, "Who's doing this?" he asked, Virgil looked down, "I-I can't." he said, "And you can't repeat this to anyone!" Roman could see the fear in Virgils eyes, "I can't loose her too." Roman watched as tears rolled down his cheeks, Roman pulled Virgil into another hug, "It's OK.. It'll be OK." Roman said, Virgil calmed down a little, "You have any places for stress?" Roman asked, Virgil seemed to be in thought, "Yeah, I do."

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