Chapter XVI

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Roman stared at him, he was obviously quite surprised at the outburst, Virgil looked down and forced the tears that were forming in his eyes to leave, 'Oh well done, you've made him hate you!' 'Anger issues!' 'You really messed this one up!' Virgil tried hard to keep the tears in but the voice brought them to the curface, the warm tears ran down his cheeks, 'Crybaby!' Virgil felt like dying, he just wanted to be alone, what he didn't expect was what happened next, Virgil felt as the warm arms of the boy sitting next to him wrap themselves around him, Roman sat on the bed next to Virgil and pulled him closer, Virgil buried his face in Roman's chest and Roman leaned his forhead on the back of Virgils head, they sat in this position for at least a minute, but to Virgil it felt like forever, he didn't want it to end, but unfortunately it did, there was a knock on the door and they were forced to pull away, Virgil realized the Blush on Roman's face but didn't address it, "Who is it?" he asked, "It's me." said the voice of Ashley, Virgil paused deciding if he should let her in or not but didn't get the chance to decide because she opened the door herself, she stepped inside and looked at the boys, "I heard yelling and came to see if everything was OK." she said, "Well you can clearly see that everything is fine." he answered in a rather salty tone, "Well if you need me, I'm downstairs." she said before leaving the room closing the door behind her, Virgil leaned his head and brushed he's hair with his hand before turning back to Roman, he stopped when he saw the look of confusion on his face and then was very surprised when he grabbed his face, moving his bangs to reveal the medical tape, Virgil tried to pull away but that wasn't an option, "What happened?" he asked, "I-it's nothing!" he responded but in such a fake tone he questioned his ability to lie, Roman ran his finger over the tape as if tracing it, "That's not nothing." he said, "Well it's nothing to you." Roman was taken aback by this comment, it was cold and harsh, Virgil saw the look of hurt on Roman's face and immediately regretted saying what he said, "I-i'm sorry." he said, Roman looked at the boy, worry in his eyes, "You can tell me anything."

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