Chapter XXXIX

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Virgil was greatful that Ashley had stayed for the week, just means no abuse, it was Sunday, which means Roman! It was around 11:45 when the carriage pulled up outside, Virgil was waiting outside for him, the door op3and Roman stepped out, looking as regal as ever with a white top and blue jeans, his beautiful green eyes and auburn hair, "Hey sunshine!" he said while walking up the steps, "Princy." Virgil replied, they walked inside and up to Virgils room, "What do you wanna do today?" Virgil asked, "Well we never really finished that book." Roman replied sitting down on Virgils bed, "We also didn't finish what happened last week." Virgils face went red, "O-oh?" Roman giggled and stood up, "No, no we didn't." he put his finger under Virgils chin lifting it and placing his lips on Virgils. "I vote book." Virgil said, "Aww come on!" Roman said, Virgil took his hand and led him downstairs, down the passage, out the back door to the gardens and down to the forest. They walked for about five minutes telling stupid jokes and making each other laugh, by the time they got to the library Virgil was already collapsing out of breath. They walked through the nonexistent doors and into the library, Virgil grabbed the book they were reading off a shelf as Roman made himself comfortable on the tree, Virgil climed up and joind him, Roman pulled him closer so they were in a cuddle position, Virgil opend to the chapter they were on and continued from where they left off. It had been about an hour of reading when they got to a particularly romantic place and Roman stopped Virgil, "That remindes me, I have something I wanted to ask." he said," Virgil looked Roman directly into his neverending green eyes, "Yes?" he asked, "I know I've asked this in the past and I got a pretty bad reaction from you, but just hear me out." he said, "During the meeting, we discussed some stuff and I know that if we plan things correctly then nothing will go wrong." Virgil was now confused, what was he talking about? "Virgil, will you be my boyfriend?" (You don't know how long it took me to write that line from how many times I wrote something else and then laughed for ten minutes XD) Virgil looked at Roman for a second, "Roman-" Roman stopped Virgil, "It can work, if I get coranated before I have to get married then the law will be in my hands and because everyone agreed with it we'll be able to be together, the new generation is allowing same-sex marriage!" he said, "I know." Virgil said, Roman looked surprised, "You know?" he asked, "My sister can't keep everything from me." he said, "Oh." Roman looked down and then back up at Virgil, "Well?" he asked, Virgil leaned in and kissed him, "That answer your question?" he asked, "Yep." he replied and kissed Virgil again.

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