Chapter XXIX

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"I think you should visit other girls as well." King Colton was walking around Roman who was sitting on a stool in the throne room, "But why?" he asked, "Because you need to give others a chance!" Roman rolled his eyes, they had been discussing the queen for Roman and the king said the prince should visit the other girls who had come to the ball, instead of just Princess Ashley, not that he was actually with Ashley at all. "I say you visit the Kingdom of the Future tomorrow and the Kingdom in the Clouds on Thursday, you can return to the Kingdom of Shadows on Saturday, for now you can go see the women who came from our kingdom." Roman groand and walked down and through the front doors and out into the warm air, it was a warm Tuesday, the sky was almost clear with a few fluffy could in the distance, Roman walked down the steps leading up to the palace and onto the path, the walked the path down to the village, heads turned as he walked, it's not common for a royal family member to be walking through the village without the acompanyment of royal guards. Roman recognized a girl from the ball, tall, pale, brown hair, he walked up to her, "Hi." he said, she turned to him, "Your highness." she said while curtsying, "Thats not necessary." he replied, she rose, "And what do I owe the pleasure?" she asked, "Well my father has instructed me to talk to the women from the ball, that reside in our kingdom." he said, "Oh?" the girl answered, "You're friends with Princess Ashley, correct?" Roman said, "Yes, I am, my names Amy." Roman took Amy's hand and kissed it, "How much do you know about her younger brother Prince Virgil?" he asked.

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