Chapter Two - Meeting the client

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Mila's P.O.V

I gave myself the once over in in the mirror making sure I looked the part, the part of being someone's perfect date...classy and confident. I was dressed in a black dress that stopped at my knees...backless and a small dip at the front but not enough to show too much cleavage. I had a pair of silver heels and a bag to match, my dark hair flowing in waves over my shoulder and my make-up light...I think this would pass as classy enough for a business party. Though I sighed after, this is not the job I wanted to be doing but sometimes we need to do things we don't like to survive. I don't have anyone, been on my own practically my whole life and I need the money to live on, put myself through school. I make enough as escort to do that but I refused to do the sex part of was hard enough for me being someone's date or ear especially when I don't trust anyone especially men. I know that sounds stupid I get paid to date men but I don't trust them but this job was my last option.

I double checked my bag making sure I had my phone and pepper spray in it, I always carried it because in this line of work you don't know what sort of men you are meeting with. I have been lucky this far but it may not always be that way. I know the trouble some of the other girls have had with clients especially the ones who do the sex part. Some of these men think because they are paying they can do and say as they please to us girls but that is not how it works, we are only trying to get by, we don't do this job out of choice. I headed out to the waiting cab, telling him the name of the hotel I was going to, it was one of the fanciest hotels in the state...a favourite place for the rich and famous.

I doubled checked the details. I was looking for room 343...the client is called Jamie and is a business man, he has hired me for seven hours, it was only six P.M. the event never started until eight but he asked me to be there for six-thirty, I am assuming to give us time to get our stories straight before the actual event. I had done this for a lot of men and to be honest most of them have been rude and arrogant, full of themselves with too much money, though there has been a few that have been nice enough. It is incredible how many different types of people you meet in this line of work.

"Thank you, keep the change." I said paying the driver before climbing out

I stopped outside to have a cigarette, help calm my nerves a little before I went in, plus I was a little early so had to hang back for a bit. I finished of my cig, spraying perfume on my dress and breath spray in my mouth, take the smell of the cig away, I don't smoke much just when I am before a after. I took a few deep breaths, heading inside and straight to the life. I made sure to stay away from the reception desk because they sometimes ask too many questions and I am not willing to answer some of them. I checked the sign, seeing room 343 for on the third floor.

I stepped out of the life, looking for the room number but before I went in I text one of the other girls, letting them know that I was going in. We all done it...text another person when we are going in and when we are out and on our way home...that way we all have each other's back. I took one last breath before knocking on the door. I hear footsteps on the other side of the door and as soon as it opened my breath caught in my throat when I seen him. He was beautiful with his dark hair and ocean blue eyes, a body that looked like he worked on...oh my, butterflies. No I need to stop, act professional. I cleared my throat

"Jamie?" I asked

He never answered at first, he was looking at me strangely, his eyes wide but he eventually stopped and answered me

"Yes...Bonnie?" He asked and I nodded

I never told clients my real name, most of us girls done the same...Bonnie was always the name I used when working.

"Please come in." He said nervously

I smiled as he stepped aside to let me step in, closing the door behind him. I turned to face him, the same look on his face from moments ago

"Wow you are beautiful." He said

"Um...thank you." I said nervously pushing my hair behind my ear

"Sorry, was that out of line?" he said still very nervous

"No it is OK...First time doing something like this?" I giggled

" I that obvious?" he chuckled

"Maybe a little..." I said laughing

"In case you are wondering why I asked you here this early it is so we can get our stories straight because I know people will ask questions." He said

"I assumed that was the reason." I smiled

I was would a man this beautiful need to pay someone to be his date? The men I usually get hired by are older...not very good looking and a little creepy to be honest but Jamie? I have never came across someone as handsome as him with my work.

"Can I get you a drink then we can talk?" He asked

I nodded, Jamie asking what I wanted...both deciding on a Scotch before we sat down to talk things over, make a plan.

"The main reason I paid for your services is because my ex fiancée is going to be there, we only broke up a few weeks ago...well she broke up with me, she was seeing someone behind my back for a year...someone I worked with and that is why I never wanted to show up alone...she embarrassed me enough, broke things off in front of everyone I work with." He said

Oh damn...poor guy...who does that? She sounds like a complete bitch to me, he is better off without her

"Really? That is terrible...I am sorry you went through that." I said

"Thank you...anyway that is why you are show her I am over it and show everyone else I am moving on from my embarrassment and broken heart." He said

"Well then I better make sure I am the perfect date and make her jealous." I giggled

"I don't think it will take much to make her jealous when I walk in with someone as beautiful as you." He smiled

I feel myself blush when he said. What the heck is wrong with me? I don't blush around clients, but he was not like those other clients. I was instantly attracted to this man, that is not something I can deny but in this line of work that is stepping in to dangerous territory, there is rules that we need to follow. I will be OK, it is only for one night right? I had to stop thinking about these things and concentrate on the task at hand

"Right details..." I smiled

And we went through everything more than once, Jamie wanting to make sure every details was right because he couldn't afford any mess ups or anymore embarrassment. I knew we would be fine, this isn't my first time doing it.

"Relax OK? I know what I am doing OK?" I said

"I know...I am just nervous that is all." He said

"I know you are but we got got this." I smiled

Jamie and I had another drink and by the time it was done it was time to head down to the ball room of the hotel where the event was. I was just hoping his nerves wouldn't give him away...give me away.  

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