Epilogue - One year later

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*** One year later ***

Mila's P.O.V

"Jamie do you still love me even though I am fat?" I whimpered out seeing myself in the mirror in our bedroom, Jamie still in bed.

"Mila baby you aren't fat, you are pregnant." He said, "And of course I still love you, nothing would ever make me stop loving you." He added.

I was seven months pregnant and an emotional mess, my hormones seriously sucked! They made me cry over the most stupid things, like seriously who cries because they dropped a crisp on the floor...A CRISP! Well, that would be me!

"I am and it is all your fault!" I said turning to him, glaring at him.

I felt really sorry for him, he was always at the end of my bad moods even when he has done nothing but look after me and been an amazing husband.

"I know baby, come here." He said smiling at me.

"Stop agreeing with me." I huffed at him.

I wasn't always this cranky but I had my moments. I knew though it would all worth it when our baby boy Toby got here that was still a couple of months away. Jamie got up from the bed, coming over to me.

"Come back to bed my love, maybe some more sleep would do you good since it is only five a.m.," he said softly

"Why are you also nice to me when I am such a bitch to me? You know I love you right? It is my hormones messing with me." I said and started crying again.

We fell pregnant very quickly after we got married, that was the plan though. The day we got married was the day I stopped taking my birth control, thinking it will maybe take six months to a year but nope, took less than two, his swimmers were quick to latch on and now here I am seven months pregnant.

"Because I love you beautiful, that is why. And yes I know you love me." He said reaching in to push the hair away from my eyes.

"Good cause I need you to know I appreciate everything you do for me...for us," I said rubbing my huge bump! "Even though I blame you all the time, I am happy we are gonna have a baby," I added

He reached in, pressing a soft kiss onto my lips, his hand on my bump.

"I know that sweetheart." He said stroking my cheek "I don't mind being the one you vent at cause I will never truly understand what being pregnant can do to women and the fact that you are growing our baby inside of you just makes me love you more." He added.

He really was the most amazing man in the world! The most amazing husband and I knew he was gonna be the most amazing father too. He was so understanding and nice even when I was being a complete bitch towards him, he knew I never meant it.

"Now will you please come back to bed?" he asked softly

"Yes, sorry I woke you up just to ask if I was fat." I giggled

"Mila you can wake me up anytime you want for any reason, don't be sorry for that." He said.

I nodded, smiling at him and he took my hand, leading us back to bed. As soon as I lay down Toby started kicking at me. Typical, think he knows when mummy is gonna sleep and he decided nope, mummy is gonna stay right here and talk to me.

"I swear he does this on purpose so I don't get any sleep." I laughed

"Kicking again?" Jamie laughed and I nodded.

I never minded, I loved feeling our little one kick plus it let me know he was OK and still there. Jamie lay between my legs on his stomach, his face at my bump.

"Hey little one, I know you like to keep us awake so we can talk to you but you gotta let mummy sleep, mummy needs a lot of sleep to stay strong for you," Jamie said to my stomach.

I loved these moments, watching and hearing Jamie talk to our baby, he has done it since the moment I found out I was pregnant, watching him do it, it made me love him more. Toby started kicking harder heading his daddy's voice, he always got excited when he heard Jamie's voice.

"I am making him kick you harder aren't I?" He laughed looking up at me and I nodded, giggling "Do you want me to stop?" He added

"No, not at all. I love listening to you talk to him." I smiled "I can handle the kicking." I added laughing.

He pushed my tee up, resting it above my stomach and kissed it before he went back to talking. I smiled, playing with his hair as he tried explaining to our unborn son that he is stopping his mummy from getting sleep. I found the full thing super sweet.

"Now go to sleep little one, daddy and mummy love you," Jamie said kissing my stomach once more before coming up to lay next to me.

Toby had slowly been easing in the kicks, maybe he would go to sleep now and then we could get some more sleep.

"God I love you, Jamie, you are gonna be such an amazing daddy." I cooed at him, leaning over to kiss him.

"I love you too my beautiful wife." He cooed back at me.

Even after nearly a year of marriage he still called me his beautiful wife every single day. It was like he was still trying to get his head around that we were married but in a good way.

"Do you need anything darling? I know how you get the strangest cravings at the strangest times." He laughed

"No, I am OK...All I need is you to hold me close." I smiled at him.

"Now that is something I can do." He said kissing me "I can't wait to meet our baby boy." He added.

"Me neither!" I said excitedly.

I rolled onto my left side, the only way I could sleep but it meant my back was to Jamie. He moved into me, his front against my back and his arm coming around my body, his hand resting on my bump. I linked my fingers with him, stroking his hand with my thumb.

"Have I told you recently that because of you I am the happiest and luckiest man in the world?" He whispered in my ear.

"Every day my love," I whispered back

And he did, he made sure to tell me that every single day and even after the time that has passed I never get fed up of hearing it.

"And I will keep telling you that every day," he said kissing my neck.

"That is OK with me. You have given me the perfect life Jamie and I will never be able to thank you enough for that." I said

It was true, this man is everything I have always dreamt of, something I always thought would only be that...a dream. I never knew it was possible to feel this loved. And now in a couple of months, we will have our baby boy which it gonna make both of our life's even better.

"I love you Mila." He said nuzzling my neck.

"I love you too." I breathed out.

This was it...this was all I needed, him and our baby it doesn't matter what happens now, I know I will be OK as long as I have my amazing husband by my side.


Well, everyone, the book has come to an end :( but thank you to everyone who had read and stuck with it, really appreciate it :D 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2020 ⏰

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