Chapter Thirty Four - I have been expecting you...

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Jamie's P.O.V

Mila was away home and I was angry...really angry. How dare Violet approach her like that and say what she did? She had no fucking right. After I finished with my shift for the day I headed to Violet's place, knowing where she was staying because she had tried to get me to come over after we split but she always got told no. I tried to calm myself before I started driving. I don't know what she thinks she is gonna do because anything she does is not gonna make me leave Mila and it sure as hell was not gonna make me go back to her. I pulled up outside her place, parking the car and rushing out, going to the door banging on it loudly...constant banging until I heard someone rush to the door. It open and there she was with barely anything on.

"I have been expecting you..." she purred at me.

I am guessing she was dressed this way for my benefit?

"Who the fuck do you think you are? How dare you say what you did to Mila?" I snapped at her

She could have come to door completely naked, it wouldn't have matter because I don't fucking want her anymore.

"What? The slut deserved it..." She hissed rolling her eyes heading inside.

I was angry enough, never mind her calling Mila that. I really never wanted to go in after her but it was the only way I could talk to her, well I think there will be more shouting than talking. I rushed in after her, by the time I reached her she was laying on the sofa trying to look seductive.

"Don't you fucking ever call her that, you know nothing about her...about her and I." I snapped

"I know that you don't really love her, not the way you loved me. I know that if I tell you I want you want right now you would call her, tell her you and her are done." She said standing up coming towards me.

She reached her hand out, placing it on my chest and stepped into me. Yes that move used to work but not now. I am not interested in her AT ALL! I pulled her hand away from my chest, taking a few steps back. It was time I made something very clear. When I done this she petted her lips at me, batting her lashes...something that used to work, but again not now.

"I do love her with my entire fucking heart. I love her more than I ever loved you. I am done with you. I do not want or fucking need you anymore. I am gonna be with Mila and there is nothing you can do about it." I hissed

"You don't mean that Jamie." She said "I am sorry what I done to you, it was a huge mistake. I miss you and need you to come back to me." she added reaching for me again.

I took her wrists in my hands, not too hard though just enough to still them.

"You had your chance, you fucked it up...not me. I gave you everything but you still wanted more. I was angry, upset and heartbroken when you done that to me but now? I really couldn't care because it meant I found something better...found someone who actually loves me for me...found someone who sets my world on fire in ways you never did." I said

"You are lying...come home baby, we can sort this." She said

What the fuck is wrong with her? Can she not get the damn hint?

"I have a home with Mila and nothing is gonna change that especially not you. You and I are done for good." I said

"You know I can ruin you by telling everyone your girlfriend is a whore right?" she said smugly

I felt the anger build again, my fists clench at my side.

"She is not a fucking whore, you have no fucking clue what you are on about." I hissed "And you try ruin me or her I can easily do the same back to you. Remember I know all your secrets and I am sure I have some videos somewhere that could ruin you very quickly." I added

I wouldn't do that to her, too anyone that was not the sort of person I was. Plus the videos are long gone, videos we made together and some she made herself. Plus I knew secrets of her family of lies, affairs and whatever else. As I said I would never actually to do that to anyone but I needed to remind her and get her to back off because I am not having her do anything to hurt Mila.

"You wouldn't?" she said shocked

"Try me? How did we get to this? You never used to be this heartless or have you always been this way and I was too stupid and in love with you to see it?" I said shaking my head "You have been warned stay away from Mila...from me." I added more sternly

"You walk out of here you are gonna make the biggest mistake of your life Jamie." She snapped.

"No I already made that when I fell in love with you." I said "Stay away from us Violet, you fucked all this up yourself." I added walking out.

I was done with her and these childish games. She can try what she wants but nothing is gonna change the way I feel about Mila...nothing is gonna change our relationship especially not her. I often wonder has Violet always been this way but I just loved her too much to see it? Surely someone can't just become that bitter and cruel overnight right? She was the one that cheated, that left me for another man so what right does she have acting this way? She brought all this on herself. I was not sure how she was gonna respond, she may still try find a way to ruin everything but I am not gonna let her, she isn't worth it.

I have said my piece but I am not gonna let her ruin anymore of my day. All I want is to get home to my girl and hold her. I grabbed my phone before I started driving again, texting Mila in case she was wondering where I have got to.

Jamie: Hey baby on my way home, you need anything? Violet shouldn't be bothering us again, I have just been to see her and she has been warned. See you soon, love you X

Mila: OK my love. Yes can you get a bottle of wine on the way home please? Love you too X

I smiled, feeling better even after just getting a text from her. I was done with being angry. I headed to grab us a bottle of wine and headed home knowing my girl would be there waiting for me. 

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