Chapter Twenty - Twenty - Introducing friends

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Mila's P.O.V

Jamie and I both had a night off together, which is something we have not had much of the last week, both been really busy and we decided tonight we would make the most of it. I was meeting some of his friends, Jamie meeting some of mine. We decided to go on a night out with everyone, less pressure that way because it would need to happen eventually if we were going to be together. I was just really hoping none of his friends were guys that have paid for my services that could make things awkward.

"Jamie what if some of your friends recognise me?" I asked nervously as I got ready

"And?" He said shrugging

"That wouldn't embarrass you, them knowing what I do for a living?" I asked

"No. My friends aren't like that Mila, they wouldn't judge you for making a living for yourself." He said "Plus I could never be embarrassed when it comes to you baby, so stop worrying OK?" He added

"OK...I will try." I smiled turning back to get ready

I was nervous about it all, don't want him getting embarrassed in anyway because of me but maybe that is me just over thinking and worrying. I finished with my hair and make-up before decided which dress to wear. We were meeting for drinks at a bad then heading to nightclub, it has been a while since I have been clubbing.

"Which dress? The green one or the red one?" I asked holding them up in front of him

He looked at them both, thinking about it.

"The red one, you always look very good and sexy in red." He said smirking

"I was thinking that one too but are you sure you can handle me in that all night and behave yourself for the night?" I smirked back

"I can't make any promises but I will try..." He laughed

"That is what I thought baby boy." I said winking at him

I turned away from him, slipping my dress over my underwear. It was short and tight, clung to my curves nicely and I would finish it off silver heels and a bag to match. I put some gloss on before turning to face him.

"What do you think?" I said biting my lip, hand on my hip.

"Fuck!" he growled "We should go like right now or we are not going to make it out the door." He added

I giggled, that was the reaction I was hoping for.

"We will but first come over here, I want a photo of us." I smiled widely

"That I can do..." he said coming towards me

He was looking good in his skinny jeans, checked shirt and boots.

"You look good handsome." I said as he approached me

"Well I need to put my best effort in when I have a woman like you in my arms." He said smiling.

I pulled him in, kissing him before taking a photo. He slipped his arm around my waist and I placed my hand on his chest, pressing my body against his and snapping the photo of us, then took a second one, his idea. This time of us kissing. I never thought I would be that kind girl of taking these sort of photos but it was fun.

"Now come on gorgeous we don't wanna be late." He said giving my ass a quick swat before we headed out.

It has been a while since I have had a night out like this that has not been for work. It would be good, letting lose, drinking and dancing. I had a feeling it was going to be a great night. I text my girls, telling them we were on our way...Jamie doing the same. I had had three of my friends of them I met through my work but we had become close. Jamie had five of his coming, should be interesting especially since my girl are single and so are his friends minus him and one other.

"I have not been clubbing in a long time." I laughed

"Me neither, apparently it was not classy enough for my ex." He said

His ex, forgot about her for a while there because he has not brought her up or we haven't seen her which was working for me, him too I guess.

"Well she was clearly just boring." I giggled

"Yes maybe but enough about her, she means nothing now." He said

I smiled and nodded. I don't know is that was true, they were together a long time and he clearly loved her but I never wanted to talk anymore about her, she never deserved him. The cab dropped us off at the bar, Jamie paying the driver with a generous tip. He helped me out of the cab, his hand on the small of my back as we headed inside. I looked around, looking for my girls and I found them at a table.

"Well that is strange...our friends are at the tables right next to each other." Jamie laughed

"Yes that is strange..." I giggled

"Mila!" Casey said smiling when she seen me approach

"Hey girl..." I said hugging her

"Guys you may as well just turn your chairs around, the girls next to you are our company for tonight." Jamie laughed

All introduction were made and luckily I never recognised any of the, none of them recognising me either. Jamie and his friend Barry headed to the bar to get the first round in, leaving the rest of us to get to know each other.

"Damn Mila he is gorgeous..." Casey said giggling referring to Jamie

"I know right? He is very sweet too..." I smiled

"Does he know?" She asked quietly only loud enough for me to hear, Casey worked with me

"Yes that is how we met but please don't say anything you know what she can be like." I said referring to our boss.

"Your secret is safe with me...promise. I wish I could meet a guy like that." She said

"And you will..." I smiled

Casey and I ended the conversation there, getting back to chatting with everyone else, not wanting to seem like we were whispering and talking only between the two of us. Jamie and Barry came back not too long after they left, carrying a tray each.

"Shots all around to start the night." Jamie laughed

No one seemed to have any complaints about that, both grabbing two shots each other. Jamie coming to my side, placing his hand around my waist and reached into my ear...

"I told you, you would find gorgeous." He whispered

I turned to him and smiled, reaching in to steal a quick kiss. Everyone seemed to be hitting it off pretty well, even a little flirting going on already. I had a feeling everyone was going to have fun tonight, maybe even some hooking up...why not? Everyone is entitled to a little fun. It was going to be good to just have a lot of fun for tonight. I couldn't wait to dance, I loved dancing and I am going to drive him wild while I do it. 

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