Chapter Thirty-eight - My favorite kind of nights...

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Jamie's P.O.V

We had been back home for a few days, everyone knew about the engagement and not as many people thought we were crazy as we thought, everyone was happy for us and apparently seem it coming. And next weekend we were having an engagement party. I was sitting in my office, getting some work done when my assisted came through the intercom.

"Um...your ex is here." He said timidly "Do you want me to get security to move her?" He added.

What the hell is she wanting now? She has probably heard about the engagement by now.

"Sent her through, but let them know she is here in case she goes all Pyscho on me." I said

"OK Sir..." He said hanging up.

I relaxed back in my office chair, feet on my desk. I was ready for her but no matter what she does or says she is not going to ruin my good mood. She can moan, bitch and make threats but none of it is going to work. Moments later she came barging into my office, face fuming and clearly angry.

"Engaged? FUCKING ENGAGED? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" She shouted at me

"Absolutely nothing is wrong with me. I love her...she loves me and we are getting married very soon, not like it is any of your damn business." I said keeping my voice calm.

I was not gonna rise to her this time. She can shout at me all she wants but I am not gonna do the same back, not this time.

"She is a fucking whore Jamie! She gets paid to sleep with damn men. YOU DON'T FUCKING WANT HER, YOU JUST THINK YOU DO, YOU STILL WANT ME." She said her voice getting louder the more she said.

I clenched my fists when she called Mila that but again I was not playing her games.

"One she was not a whore, she never slept with any men, she went on dates and kept them company. Two, I do not want you AT ALL! I am over you...I don't love you anymore. And lastly? I am marrying Mila and there is nothing you will do or say that is gonna change it." I said

"Same difference, she still got paid by men." She growled

"And? You fuck around for free, so you are in no place to judge anyone." I said

"Why are you kidding yourself? You will realise you miss me, realise you don't want her and it will be you and I that will get married." She said

Oh wow! This woman really is delusional isn't she? I laughed loudly, shaking my head and getting to my feet, leaning on my desk and looking her straight in the face.

"I am gonna say this one last time OK? I do not miss or want you...neither do I love you. I am marrying Mila and nothing is gonna change that OK? She will be my wife...not you. She and I will have a family...not us." I said "I don't know what happened to you to make you this way but it is time you move on. I really do hope you find what will make you happy and stop making you be this way, but that person clearly is not me." I added

"We will see, this is gonna be the biggest mistake of your life Jamie." She hissed storming out of my office.

I was really hoping that would be the end of it. I decided to take a five minute break and call Mila, she had a lot of studying to get done so she wasn't working today. It only rang a couple of times before she answered.

"Hey my sexy man..." She cooed down the phone.

"Hey beautiful, you got a free minute for me?" I laughed

"Always my love, everything OK?" She asked

"Violet showed up at my office." I said

"What? Why? What the hell does she want now?" She said annoyed

I told her everything that happened, everything that was said.

"But don't worry about her OK?" I said

"I will try not to." She said

Mila and I chatted for ten minutes before I let her get back to her studying, that way when I get home I can have her all to myself for the night.

"I love you sweetheart, see you at seven." I said

"I love you too baby boy. See you then." She said happily on the other side before we hung up.


I was glad when I got home, eager to see my beautiful girl. I knew she would be in our bedroom that is her favourite place to study. I slipped my suit jacket off, hanging it up before heading through. I chuckled when I see her. She was sprawled out on the bed, books everywhere and she was sound asleep. I headed over, gathering up all her books, sitting them aside and climbing onto the bed, kneeling between her legs and kissed over her shoulders and backs since she was laying on her stomach.

"Hmm hey babe." She said tiredly

"You fell asleep." I laughed.

She rolled onto her back, her body now below mine.

"Sorry all the reading made me sleepy." She giggled "But got most of it done for today." She added.

"Well I am glad baby." I said leaning down to kiss her softly

"Mmm me too...means we can do as we please tonight." She said

"That we can, starting with dinner cause I haven't ate since lunch and I am hungry." I laughed

"I was thinking something more exciting than eating." She pouted "But actually now you mention food, I haven't ate since breakfast." She added giggling.

"Well then we better get fed then we can get to the exciting part." I said kissing her once more before pulling away from her "How does homemade chicken korma with rice and nan breads sound?" I added

"Yummy..." she said.

I gave her hand out of bed, the two of us heading through to make dinner together. The kitchen would end up messier than needed cause every time we cooked together we always messed around and made a mess but it was part of we done and we always had fun together.

"Now remember no messing around OK?" Mila giggled as we arrived in the kitchen.

"Me? You are the one that usually starts it baby, not me." I laughed

"Liar!" she said pouting at me.

I chuckled, pulling her in and kissing her again, giving her ass a swat before we got everything out and got started. I lover our nights in like this, couldn't wait to do this for the rest of our lives. I was madly in love with her and I honestly fall more in love with her with every passing day. I couldn't wait for us to be married. Less than two months to go now.


Hey everyone, 

Happy New year too all, hope 2020 is good to all :D 

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