Chapter Thirty

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Mila's P.O.V

It had been a couple of weeks since I quit my job which went well, she understood why I wanted out of the business but I was going insane not working. Yes College kept me busy but the days I never had classes I was bored. I had been applying for jobs but had no luck because I can't exactly write on my CV female escort...don't think they would wanna see that. I did still have Jamie's offer of a job but I still wasn't too keen on it because I was not sure working together then spending most of our time together outside of work would be a good idea? What if we got sick of each other? I don't want that to happen. But I was getting to the stage I was seriously leaning towards it.

I was not doing anything today, Jamie was at work all day but I was heading over to meet him for his lunch bring, taking lunch in with me. It breaks up my day. I had never been to his office so this was a first. He invited me and I think this is his way of trying to convince me to come work with him. I got myself ready, heading out. I stopped by grabbing us both lunch...chicken rice salad and some fresh fruit. I pulled up outside, grabbing my phone to text him.

Mila: Hey babe I am outside, is it OK to come up or are you busy? Xx

Jamie: Hey beautiful, yes come on up I am done with my meeting Xx

Mila: OK love...see you soon Xx

I grabbed our lunch from the car, heading inside. I asked the front desk where to go and they pointed me in the right direction to the tenth floor.

"Hey I am looking for Jamie? He is expecting me." I said to the receptionist

"Yes he said his girlfriend coming by..." she smiled "His office is right over there." She added nodding in the right direction.

I thanked her heading to his office. I knocked on the door before walking in. As soon as I stepped in the biggest smile appeared on his lips and I automatically smiled back at him. I headed over to his desk, going around to where he was, sitting our lunch on his desk and he reached for me, pulling me between his legs.

"Hey beautiful...I missed you." He cooed at me

"I missed you too..." I said leaning down to kiss him softly before hopping up on his desk

"What did you bring to eat?" He asked "Not had a chance to eat all day." He added

"Chicken rice salad, fresh fruit and coffee." I smiled

"A woman after my own heart..." he said taking them from the bag, handing me one before taking his own "Thank you." He added

I smiled, pecking his lips before we got to our lunch, chatting about his day while we did. Once we were finished he pulled me into his lap, his hands on my hips.

"Can I help you?" I giggled

"Yes...I want a kiss." He said smiling brightly at me

"I am sure I can give you that." I said my lips pressing onto his

I slipped my fingers into his hair, pressing my lips harder against his. He slipped his hands onto my ass, pressing on it and pressing me against him. I moaned softly into his lips, knowing I should pull away because if I don't we will end up fucking and I don't really need any of his employees walking in on that. He pushed his lips to my neck, kissing along it. I gripped his hair roughly, moaning loudly.

"You see if you come work for me we could do this every day in my office..." He said against my skin, his hands running up and down my thighs

"And how would I get any work done then if you were always distracting me uh?" I said

"Mmm we would make it work..." he said "It would be fun." He added

It did sound fun and appealing, it really did but how would we get any work done?

"I know it would be but what if we get sick of each other spending all that time together? I don't wanna lose you over a job." I said honestly

"Is that why you don't wanna come here?" He asked

I had not shared this concern with him...not entirely anyway.

"Yes. I am scared in case you get tired of me." I said pouting

"Hey now...I could never get tired of you." He said stroking my hair

Yes it is OK him saying that but if I did work here all of that could change or maybe it is just me overthinking.

"You say that now Jamie." I said sadly

"Listen to me beautiful, I would not get tired of you...promise." He said kissing me

"I will think about it..." I smiled

He nodded, pulled me into his chest, holding me tightly against him. I slipped my arms around him and he just held me there for a few minutes, kissing the top of my head. We did eventually part but I still kept myself on his lap.

"Thank You for coming over to keep me company my love." He said

"You are welcome...I was missing you anyway." I said stroking his cheek

"I love you baby girl, just realised I haven't said that to you since you got here." He said

"I love you too..." I said kissing him

I stayed with him for the rest of his lunch break, leaving to let him get back to work.

"I will see you when I get home." He said stealing one last kiss

"Yes I will get you at yours..." I smiled

He had gave me a spare key to let myself in anytime really.

"I love you." He said kissing my forehead

"I love you too..." I said

I headed back out to the car, heading home to my own house to get a few hours of studying in before I head over to Jamie's. I liked being there when he got home from work...he liked me being there when he got home. I had an essay I needed to get done but had two weeks to do but the sooner I get that done the better, one less thing to stress about.

I grabbed what I needed going through to my bedroom. I always felt more relaxed in there and that helped when I was studying. As I studied I thought about Jamie's offer for the job and was thinking about saying yes. I needed the money and the sooner I get back to work...the sooner I can start paying him back. He had already put money into my account that I use to pay for College so it was there. I still felt bad for taking the money from him but I meant when I told him I would pay back every last penny. He was such an amazing human being with the biggest heart. I still don't know how I got as lucky for a man like him to fall in love with me...for a man like him to let me love him back.

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