Chapter Nineteen - Mine!

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Jamie's P.O.V

Tonight Mila was working, the first time since her and I got together.

"What you got tonight? Or am I not meant to ask that?" I asked

I was over at her place until she got ready to head out. I was trying my best not to freak out or get jealous with the full thing.

"No you are not meant to ask that." She laughed "The less you know the better." She added

That never made me feel any better but I smiled and nodded anyway. I never wanted to push her on it.

"Can you at least text at some point so I know you are OK?" I asked

"I am sure I can do that...yes but you don't need to worry, I will be in public and surrounded by many people." She smiled reaching in to kiss me softly "You going home or staying here until I get home? Probably be about midnight." She added

"I will stay here, if that is OK?" I said

"Yes that is fine...need my bedtime snuggles." She smiled

"Me too..." I said kissing her again.

Mila got back to getting ready as I laid on her bed. I sighed to myself cause I would be worrying about her all night even though I know she has been doing this for a while but that doesn't mean I won't worry when she is out with strangers especially since of them think they can do as they please because they are paying for the service.

"Right I better make a move." She said once she was ready

She looked stunning and I wish it was me she was dressing up for but I can't let those kind of thoughts mess with my head or I will lose her before we really get a chance. I don't know how I am gonna deal with her work but I will need to find away.

"You sure I can't drop you off?" I asked

"No, that wouldn't work...I will get a taxi." She said

"OK." I said giving her a small smile

She called her cab, coming over to give me a goodbye kiss.

"Make yourself at home, help yourself to anything and if you decide you wanna go home, lock the door I have my keys with me." she said

"Why would I wanna go home? Then how would I get my cuddles?" I laughed

"I was hoping you would say that..." she smiled pecking my lips again before she headed out.

As soon as I heard the front door close over, I sighed loudly. I may as well find something to occupy myself for the next few hours to take my mind off the fact that she is out with some other man. No! I need to stop thinking like that, she isn't out with another man...she is working and I need to remember the difference. I decided I would go clean up, it was not exactly messy but it gave me something to do I guess. That took all of ten minutes to do, after that was done I decided to find a movie or a box set to watch, order Chinese in and have a couple of beers, help pass my night.


It was just after midnight, Mila had text me to let me know she was on her way home. She text me a couple of times during her work time, letting me know she was OK which made me feel better. I was anxious to see her, see for myself she was OK because I seen first-hand how the guys treat her like that creep in the restaurant that night.

"Hey huni I am home..." I hear her call out and giggle as she came into her place

"Living room darling." I called back laughing

She came sauntering in, coming straight over to me and kissed me. I pulled her onto my lap, kissing her back. The kiss only lasted a moment before she pulled away.

"So out of the five hours I was away how many of them did you worry?" she asked

"Maybe...three of them at the least." I said honestly

"Aww I told you when I am working you don't need to worry I can look after myself and tonight the man I was with was gay, he just hasn't found the courage to come out to his loved ones, hence why he needed a date for the family event he was attending tonight." She said "He has hired me a few times." She added

"And you couldn't have told me that before you left?" I laughed shaking my head "Why can't he tell them? They are is family, they should love him no matter what." I added

"What fun would that have been?" She giggled "Sometimes it isn't that easy, his parents are not very excepting of society in this day and age, though his brother and sister know, they support him. Hopefully one day he will be able to tell them." She added

"Yes hopefully, at least he has his sibling's support that counts for something." I said

Mila smiled, leaning in and kissed me again. I slipped my hand around her, placing it on the small of her back, holding her in place, making sure she couldn't move until I was ready to stop kissing her.

"So what did you do when I was away?" She asked kissing along my neck

"Tidied up...watched a movie, ordered food and drank beer." I said through my soft moans.

"You kept yourself busy then?" she laughed

"Mmm yes..." I said

She continued her attack on my neck for a moment before she pulled away, pulling herself from my lap.

"Hey! Where are you going?" I said

"I need to get out of this dress and into something more comfortable then we can go to bed and have some fun?" She smirked

"Can I help you out of it?" I smirked

"If you like..." She said

She grabbed my hand, pulling me from the sofa and leading me through to her bedroom. I helped her get out of her dress, tossing her on my bed once it was off and climbing on top of her. I kissed her roughly, letting my hands run all over her body. I can't help myself around her, she sets a fire in me, one that I can't stop when it gets started.

"Mine..." I growled out kissing over her neck and grabbing her hands, pinning them above her head.

"Mmm...yes...yours." She breathed out

I was not sure just how much mine she was but we would work that out as we go on. For right now I was happy with what we have going on, it is better than nothing. As of right now I need to concentrate on the half-naked beautiful woman laying below me. 

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