Chapter Thirty Three - A bitch from the past

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Mila's P.O.V

I was enjoying a day off, sitting outside of my favourite café with my book and a coffee. I was feeling very relaxed as I did.

"Does he know what you doing for a living?" I hear a female voice say from behind me.

I recognised the voice but couldn't work out where from. But the words that the person chose made me panic a little. I slowly turn around, seeing Jamie's ex standing there. Great just what I want...not.

"What do you want?" I said annoyed

She hasn't been around or spoken about since Jamie and I got serious.

"Does Jamie know you work as a whore." She snapped

Whore? Who is she calling whore? And how the hell does she know the kind of work I used to do or in her opinion still doing cause however she did she has the wrong information.

"Who the hell are you calling whore? I was not a damn whore." I snapped at her

"That isn't what I heard." She hissed

"Well you heard wrong. And what I do and do not do is none of your damn business. Also what is going on between Jamie and I has fuck all to do with you, you lost that right when you're tuned into a cheating, lying bitch." I growled at her

"There will be nothing between you and Jamie once he knows." She said smugly

The smug look on her face made me burst out laughing. I stood from my seat, standing face to face with her. She placed her hand on her hip, glaring at me.

"Why the fuck are you laughing?" She said annoyed

I leant in closer to her, laughed again before answering her questions.

"Jamie already knows what I used to do...not do now, used to and I sure as hell was not selling myself for sex. Jamie and I do not have any secrets. I am not you, I don't lie to him about anything." I said

The smug look soon disappeared from her face, a face I really wanted to slap after what she done to Jamie but I was not gonna stoop that low.

"He knows?" she said shocked "Bullshit! If he knew what you done he would not be with you." She added

"Well you clearly don't know him..." I said folding my arms over my chest

I could see the anger build up in her the more she heard.

"Well he won't want you much longer when he finds out I want him back. He loves me and always will. I am gonna get him back and you will be nothing but a distant memory." She growled at me

Again her words just made me laugh, the more I laughed the more pissed off she became.

"One he used to love you, he now loves me. Two you never deserved him in the first place. And three? You come anywhere near my man I will not be held responsible for my actions." I said

I don't know what she was expecting? For me to back down? Walk away? Yes that is never going to happen, I love him too much for that and he loves me.

"Trust me you don't have a choice. You don't break up with him, I will tell everyone exactly what it is you do and his reputation will be killed all because of some cheap skank." She said smirking

Before I could stop myself I reached up and slapped her hard across the face. She yelped, covering her cheek with a shocked look on her face. I never meant to do that even though she deserved it.

"Like anyone is going to believe anything that comes out of your stupid mouth. Stay away from Jamie...away from me or trust me I will ruin you better than you could ever ruin me. And again I wasn't a fucking whore that is you." I said with a warning tone.

She huffed, flipping her hair before turning to storm off.

"THIS IS NOT OVER!" She shouted on her way.

Stupid bitch, who does she think she is? Though I was nervous now, what if she did tell people and they believed her? That could ruin Jamie that is the last thing I want. I decided to go and see him at his office, he needs to know what is going on in case she does do as she said. I paid my bill, rushing to my car and heading over. I was hoping he was free.

"Hey Jill is Jamie free? I really need to talk to him?" I said to the receptionist

"Yes he should be. Everything OK?" She asked worried

"Not really." I said sadly

She gave me a sympathetic look and I headed to Jamie's office, knocking before walking in, Jamie looking up and smiling when he seen me, but his smile soon faded when he noticed something was wrong.

"Mila what is wrong baby?" He said worried getting up from his desk rushing over to me

"Violet!" I simple said

"As in my ex?" He asked and I nodded "What the hell happened, what did she do?" he added angry

"She knows what I used to do, well sort of she thinks I used to be a whore and said she is gonna tell everyone so she can ruin you if I don't break up with you." I said realising I was not crying

"She fucking what? How dare she?" He snapped

"Jamie what are we gonna do? If she says something she could ruin you...ruin everything." I sobbed out

He pulled me into my chest, hugging me and stroking my hair...

"Shh beautiful don't cry, don't worry about her." he said

"How can I not worry? She could ruin everything you worked so hard for." I said looking up at him "I don't want that for you, not because of what I used to." I added crying

"Listen to me Mila OK? She can say and do as she fucking wants, I am not losing you because of her." he said "I will deal with her baby, I am not letting her come between us not after how hard we fought to get here." He added

"But you reputation?" I whimpered out

"None of it would mean anything if I didn't have you my love." He said "I will sort it out OK? Please stop crying and worrying OK? As long as we have each other, we can get through anything." He added kissing me softly

I nodded, hoping he was right because I would never forgive myself if he lost everything because of me. He pulled me tightly into his chest, kissing the top of my head.

"I love you Mila and nothing is going to change that." He said

"I love you too..." I said burying my face in his chest.

He held me until I calmed down entirely, well the best I could but all the thoughts were still in the back of my mind.

"We are gonna be just fine gorgeous...I promise." He said smiling

"I know..." I said stroking his face.

I was not gonna let that bitch ruin everything for us because she lost the best thing that ever happened to her because she wanted more. He reached in wiping my damn cheeks and smiled at me.

"Now stop worrying and come join me for lunch OK?" He said

I smiled at him, hoping it was true...I really couldn't lose him.


Hello everyone, 

How are we all doing? What are your thoughts about his ex showing back up? 

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