Chapter Twenty Six - Nearly slipping up

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Jamie's P.O.V

We had arrived back home, our time away together was amazing. We even joined the Mile High club as planned on the way back like we talked about. I wish we could have stayed longer but we had to get back to our real lives. One thing I will say is being away just her and I for a few days has made me fall harder for her. I was starting to feel things I have not felt since well my ex but what I felt towards Mila was stronger than what I felt towards my ex at this stage and I was not sure if that is something I should be scared of or embracing? I would need to work it out. We were heading to Mila's to stay for the night for a change. Both of us shattered from the last few days...from the flight. I think we were both eager for bed.

"Can we stop and pick up Chinese first please? I am so hungry." Mila said from the passenger's seat

"Sure we can baby, pretty hungry myself actually. Beijing Palace OK, it is on the way?" I asked

"Yes that will be fine." She smiled

We stopped by the Chinese restaurant ordering a couple of things before heading back to hers. We decided to get everything sorted tomorrow, instead we got into more comfortable clothes, snuggling on the sofa to eat our Chinese.

"I have been thinking about maybe working a little less. I have enough savings to do me until I am done with Studying, enough for the rest of my studies but will need to work for money to survive on." She said stroking my arm

I wanted to jump up and down, scream yes, thank fuck at the top of my voice but I couldn't do that because I don't want her thinking her work was getting to me that much. It was though, it got harder every time she went out especially with my feelings growing but I never wanted to tell her that because it was her job and I knew what she done when I got into this.

"If that is what you wanna do baby." I said

She looked up at me and nodded...

"I do. I know you try act like it doesn't bother you but I know it does, more than you tell me and it isn't fair on you. Not only that though, I don't wanna do that job anymore." she said

"Not as good as I thought at hiding it uh?" I said

"Not at all. I see the look on your face every time I need to leave for work Jamie." She said

"Sorry baby I don't mean it, just can't help it, think it is more fear in case something happens to you." I said honestly "But Mila don't do this for me OK, make sure you are doing it for you too." I added

"I am doing it for me too...for us." She said "Don't apologise for caring baby." She added kissing me.

"If you need any help financially don't be afraid to ask me OK?" I said

I knew she wouldn't take me up on that offer, she was too independent for that but I wanted her to know if she needs my help in any way she could ask for it.

"Thank you but I will be fine." She smiled

"I know you will be but the offer is there OK?" I said smiling

"OK." She smiled kissing me once more

She rested her head back on my shoulder. I reached down and kissed the top of her head. I was hoping it would work for her that cutting down will give her enough to get by. If not I would understand if she needs to back to doing more. I would happily pay for her studies but I knew she wouldn't let me do that. I had suggested a few times, each time I get the same response...a straight no and a glare, I learnt not to suggest it anymore.

She was lost in the TV show we were watching, Mind Hunter. Yes it was really good but I found myself getting lost in her. She was beautiful...perfect even, every little inch of her including the cute line of freckles she has going across her nose.

"You are staring again Jamie." She said blushing and giggling

"Sorry, I can't help myself when it comes to you." I said "I will try and stop." I added

Mila rolled her eyes playfully at me before turning back to the TV. I laughed kissing her cheek before getting back to it as well. We finished off our food and the last of the episode we were watching before deciding to go to bed. We both still had a couple of days off but I am sure we can find something to do.

Mila stripped down to a pair of panties and tee, climbing into bed and I stripped down to my boxer, slipping in next to her.

"What should we do for the next couple of days?" She asked placing her head on my chest

"Whatever you like." I smiled

"I think we should hang out with friends maybe one of those days...the other we can just spent in bed." She suggested, smirking at the last part

"Sounds perfect, especially the staying in bed all day part." I said smirking back at her

"These last few days really have been amazing with you Jamie." She said caressing my face

"They have been...perfect." I smiled reaching for her lips

"My time with you is always perfect." She cooed against my lips

The kiss was something of magic, beautiful and sensual...the perfect kiss. I pulled away but couldn't stop smiling. She took her place snuggled into my side, her body fitting perfectly against mine. I slipped my arm around her body, Mila placing one hand on my chest, the other on my stomach.

"I am gonna go to sleep now OK?" She said kissing my chest

"OK sleep well..." I said "I I loved our time away together." I said quickly changing what I was going to say.

Was I really just about to tell her that I love her? She never said anything, making me look down and seen she was already crashed out, that was quick and maybe for the best, least she never heard what I nearly said to her, that would have freaked her right out, it has only been two months. Way too soon for all that. I sighed to myself, running my hands through my hair and shook my head. What was this woman doing to me? I closed my eyes, trying to let myself drift off which at first was not an easy thing, had too much running through my head now. I tried not to move too much, not wanting to wake her.

I did eventually settle myself down for the night. I was worried in case she did hear me but was only pretending she never to stop the conversation coming up and making things awkward for either of us. Surely not right? She would have said something right? 

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